Announcing OFFSPRING

Announcing OFFSPRING
A Novel by
Stephen R. Bonniol

About the Cover

The Ascent of John represents artist Edward Hail’s attempt in 1974 to capture the spirit of the first four chapters of the biblical Book of Revelations. The result was a 10 3/8” x 7” rendering in charcoal pencil. In his words:
“John, ‘the beloved’ of Jesus’ twelve disciples is being lifted off the prison island of Patmos to see visions of the end of history recorded in his “Revelations.”
The door “opened in heaven” is before him; he rises in the familiar orant prayer position of his day as the first glimpse of God on a throne unfolds overhead.
Surrealistic clouds form a huge ear, echoing the theme of the first three chapters: “He that has an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit is saying . . . “

A Second Savior?

OFFSPRING weaves an intricate tale of an ordinary man followed for decades, and finally contacted by, an alien race which calls itself the Lord. The strange beings are revealed to be responsible for genetic manipulation that brought about the creation of man. This novel mixes Biblical and science fiction references into a riveting account of ancient, advanced civilizations, “Gods” who lived on Earth and an ongoing “species upgrade” in preparation for the end of days. The main character, Henry Bouchard, undergoes hypnotic regression therapy in an effort to get to the cause of ongoing terrifying dreams.

OFFSPRING traces Henry’s odyssey as the therapy unlocks memories of alien abductions and forced genetic sampling. He is informed of the true origin of mankind and the ancient manufacturing of the human race. He is told that it is his destiny to be the second savior of mankind.
Other characters include Maria Sabbatini, a high-class hooker who hears the voice of God whispering instructions; Admiral Nick Whelan, an operative of a shadowy government agency searching for the legendary Atlantean Hall of Records; and Seth Bettencourt, a man obsessed with spying on Area 51. More importantly, there is Eeena, an alien who contacts Henry, informs him of his special role and endows him with God-like powers. He’ll need them to defeat the Antichrist and rescue one million souls to repopulate the Earth after the imminent destruction of mankind.

. . . Stay Up Late and Keep Reading.
“This novel is very well written. The author has a complex story line that is very easy to follow. As you read, you can't help but wonder what happens next and how it is going to tie together. Twists and turns that are surprising and a simply beautiful ending.
This book crosses the lines between general fiction, sci-fi, religious, inspirational and others. The story is beautifully told in a way that makes the reader want to stay up late and keep reading.
Congratulations, Steve. You have created a masterpiece.” –– Kelly Depp, author, "Finding Home" and "The American Princess"

“I have been reading non-stop since I got it! The end was perfection! You did a great job with it. What an awesome concept!” –– Sherrie L.

“Some day soon, Stephen King will have this book on his shelf!” –– Joe M.

“After reading the blurb, I found myself intrigued. The characters are so rich and the voice so fresh for a new author that I have to recommend it.” –– Tracy K.

About the Author

Stephen Bonniol was born, raised and still lives in Barrington, Rhode Island, a town on the shores of Narragansett Bay. If you've ever seen the original Leave it To Beaver TV series, that's what his childhood was like. A good portion of his writing takes place there and in the nearby states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

In addition to OFFSPRING, Bonniol has written one children’s book, "Noogies are Wild," a story of sibling rivalry, overcoming adversity and how love between siblings can overcome all odds. He has also authored dozens of horror shorts, many of which were included in Lovecraftian Ramblings, an H.P. Lovecraft fanzine. These are now part of Brown University’s H. P. Lovecraft collection. An anthology will be published soon. Bonniol is hard at work on his second novel, "Hummingbird Wings."

Jacket design and cover art (Ascent of John) by Edward Hail

If you are interested in UFOs or Alien Abductions - BUY THIS BOOK

If you are interested in ancient aliens - BUY THIS BOOK

If you are curious about the origin of man and the contrast between the biblical and archeological explanations - BUY THIS BOOK

If you are interested in the End of Days - BUY THIS BOOK

If you know me and my writing style as evidenced here and elsewhere - BUY THIS BOOK

If you like a book that will grab you and not let you go until you are finished - BUY THIS BOOK

If you have ever read of "Planet X" or Niburu - BUY THIS BOOK

If you want the first book from a very prolific author - BUY THIS BOOK

OFFSPRING is available at the following link.

 I guarantee you will not be disappointed. If time allows, I will post some sample chapters here as well. Those fans, friends and perfect strangers that have read this have universally loved it. When a non-family member tells me it is great, I put more credibility in it.

Your friend in literature,
Stephen R. Bonniol

1 comment:

  1. I have een lookin for you on myfacebook and i ant find you where are you? email me you were the first person i tought of when i decided i had better get a book of my poetry befor they are all lost somewhere lol just one book i get so lost in times sometimes that i forget where everyone is at lol
