The City Below

The City Beneath

Part III of The Doorway to Hell Series

     Jim Dunford and his friend Curly lay on the ground, in the lush green grass of the planet Eden, where life as we know it; and some that we don't know, began. Since coming here, a few weeks previous, via a mysterious doorway, in the midst of a Florida bike path, he had experienced all manner of wonders. Besides the wonder of just being here in the first place, he had experienced a talking Google sky voice, prehistoric hominids, ravenous reptilian/human hybrids, and his strange pink-skinned buddy that hatched from a tree, was killed, and re-hatched again, from a similar tree.    
     He had been through times that had tested his very soul. The terrible, tragic, brutal loss of his only friend in this strange place, had come close to killing him from the inside out. He had, in fact, given up all hope in its aftermath, and had given in to the dark forces of hopelessness, and depression. He had been fighting to maintain his balance on the edge of a deep dark pit of doubt, uncertainty, and sadness; a pit from which he might never have escaped.
     Now, he was back though, having risen up somehow, against the dark forces intent on destroying him, snuffing out the inner fire of his soul, and darkening the indigo light of his aura. Now he was just relaxing, enjoying his newly polished sense of hope, and most importantly, his newly reincarnated friend, Curly.
     The clearing they were relaxing in, brought back memories of a place he and his best friend, Dave Mellor, had discovered around a bend in Lamson Road, as kids in the little town of Barrington, RI. It had actually been a vacant lot of land, owned by Old Man Cole, who also owned the fields of grass behind their own homes. Unlike those fields of tall grass and hay straw, this spot was surrounded by a stand of shady maple trees, and the soft green grass provided an excellent spot to hang out on hot summer days. They used to eat bologna sandwiches and drink bottles of root beer, imagining they were pioneers exploring a new trail out west. In the days before cable, internet and video games, kids stayed outside for hours, using a game platform known as imagination. Now, here Jim was, on a very similar, very real journey of exploration. 

  Before going anywhere, though, Jim decided the two newly reunited friends would just stay put and take a bit of a vacation from going anywhere or doing anything. He guessed it might be more of what is called a "staycation"; just hanging around and not stressing about traveling. The only difference being, most stay at home vacations didn't take place in paradise; Certainly not in the Garden of Eden.
     After putting Curly on the ground, and wiping his face of "Curly kisses", Jim got up and taking his friend's hand, walked down a sunny side path, that opened up on a beautiful, meandering blue river. Beautiful maples, and trees he'd never seen before, dotted the banks in either direction. To his left, Jim spotted the perfect place for them. It was a beautiful old maple tree, that leaned out over the bank and threw some shade on the bank, as of the river. Jim had a good feeling that fish might congregate in this shade. At its base was more of the lush green grass that they'd been lying in.
     They walked over to it and Jim set to work at once, with Curly's help, gathering sticks and palm fronds for a shelter. He decided to keep things simple, and showed Curly how to lean sticks against the overhanging tree trunk to make a simple A-frame shelter. Curly seemed to really enjoy this task, so Jim let him do the remainder of the roof, while he gathered materials to make a fire. He held off lighting it, figuring on enjoying the relaxing day and leaving fire starting until dinner time.
     During this process, Jim sought out two long, green slender bamboo poles, which he outfitted with about twelve feet of monofilament line, a hook, and a bobber, fashioned out of a dry stick. It took only a few minutes to find some peculiar blue worms in the dirt, and he showed Curly how to put them on the hook.
     No more than a half hour later, they were leaning against a tree trunk, their lines in the water, fishing. As an afterthought, Jim picked a couple of stalks of dried hay and trimmed both ends. He stuck the end of one in his mouth and offered the other to Curly. Instead of keeping it in the side of his mouth like people sometimes do, Curly ate his up and looked for more. Jim gave him another, which he promptly ate as well. It was like a scene out of Tom Sawyer, except Huck Finn wasn't an odd looking, wrinkled, pink dwarf that hatched from a tree. The two of them just enjoyed their time together, resting in the shade; not really caring if they caught anything or not. As a matter of fact, Jim was pretty sure Curly had no idea what it was they were doing. He found out soon enough, when something hit his bait hard, and yanking the bobber under the surface. It startled Curly so much that he dropped his pole in the water and began squealing in alarm. He jumped up and threw his arms around his human friend, Jim, who did his best to reassure him that everything was OK. He left Curly on the bank and retrieved the pole from the water. Jim could feel a good sized fish on the line and did his best to calm and reassure Curly that everything was alright. He handed his own pole to him, while pulling Curly's catch; a good sized catfish, on the bank. When Curly saw this, he dropped Jim's pole in the water, and scrambled over to examine the catch. Curly had never seen a fish before, and the sight of the strange black fish with long whiskers or barbels around his mouth, intrigued him. He watched as it repeatedly opened his mouth, attempting unsuccessfully to breathe air.  "Jim loves Curly!" he said to it, thinking it was trying to speak.
Jim laughed at this, noticing his own fishing pole, that Curly had dropped, was now moving, seemingly on its own, toward deeper water.
     Jim jumped in the river, grabbing the bamboo rod, and showing his friend how to bring his catch onshore.  Curly told this one also, that Jim loved him, before Jim grabbed both fish, so he could secure them. Jim strung a piece of vine in the mouth and out one of the gill slits on each fish, before tying a crude knot and securing it in the water with a large stick. This would keep the fish alive until dinner time. Neither of them had a need to eat, but this was one time, above all, that Jim wanted to eat; for both the sheer pleasure of it, and to celebrate being reunited with his buddy, alive in the birthplace of man.

Into the wilderness - The search for Curly

Into The Wilderness

The search for Curly

Part two of the doorway to hell series

     Jim Dunford found himself alone again, on his own in this strange world of Eden. After only a week or so on this strange planet, named in the Bible as the place where life began; a week of learning and enlightenment, he had lost the only friend or companion he had in this strange place. During this time he had formed a bond with the strange pink, hairless, wrinkled being he called Curly.
     What he got from him was about the same as one gets from a dog - pure unconditional love, adoration and companionship. Now that was all gone. He had nearly gotten them both dropped into a pit of fire; whether it was hell or not; he had no clue. He had always doubted it's existence; attributing it to the church's campaign of forced compliance and control through fear. Regardless of what it was, he had saved them both, and for that, he had gotten slapped across the face by his friend and dressed down by the damn voice in the sky - the Google God - self proclaimed "God of all there is".
     "So what now? He spoke to the sky. He heard no response. Nothing; not a peep.
     "Oh wait," he said impatiently, "OK Google, Isn't that what I'm supposed to say? OK Google. What's next? What lies ahead? Where is Curly? Where is my friend? Is he even alive?
Answer my fuckin question!"
     He didn't expect a response to his indignation and was not disappointed with the resulting silence.
     "Guess I hurt his feelings." he said out loud to no-one at all.
     In any case, Jim knew it was useless to stay here, so he continued walking, off the path, blazing his own trail, into the wilderness; searching for his best friend. More importantly, he was leaving the doorway to his home planet - Earth, behind.
     He walked along in the same general direction that Curly had bounded off to, after demonstrating his displeasure with Jim. He had to find his odd little friend, and he wouldn't rest until he did. He walked through a field of wheat that was chest high. He saw the wheat moving here and there, and heard the chattering of some sort of wildlife, but he wasn't afraid. Whatever was in the field around him, he had an intuition that they were merely curious and didn't pose any threat. It was weird though, to question something in his mind and not have an immediate response pop into his brain. It had been sort of an ongoing commentary or lesson that had been going on, both in and out of, his head. He told himself he must be in a GFZ - a Google Free Zone. For whatever reason, the being, the force of the Universe, was ignoring him. He really was on his own now.
     As he came once again, to a wooded area, Jim dove headfirst into this self reliant existence. He started looking around for a place to make a shelter for the upcoming night. Sure, he could just think a log cabin into existence for himself, but that would go against his new mission of self-reliance. He found a stand of three palm trees leaning toward each other in such a way as to form a teepee of sorts. As the three suns of Orion continued their ceaseless March toward what he'd now come to consider as the western horizon of Eden, Jim set about gathering logs of oak. These he leaned against the palms until he had enclosed an area with a twenty foot circumference. At the very top of the structure, he left a one foot opening which would allow him to have a nice fire in his sturdy shelter. He wanted a fire for the warmth, the light, and the protection it would provide. Plus, it was just what you did when you were surviving on your own in the wilderness. You made shelter and fire. He started building his fire like his Dad had shown him some fifty years earlier. First he made a small pile of tinder using dried palm fronds. He knew from experience that these were like gasoline. On top of this small pile of palm fronds, he made a structure much like a smaller version of his teepee, out of small brittle twigs. On top of this he placed some thicker branches. This he set on fire using the only cheat he allowed himself, some long fireplace matches. Once he had this burning, he added bigger, fatter branches, one at a time until he had a roaring fire of branches. He cautiously added logs to this, one at a time, so as not to smother the fire he had worked hard to build. When it did rain later on that night, he was glad that he'd taken the additional step of covering the outside of his shelter with green palm fronds to allow any rain to just run off. As a result, he was dry and thanks to his fire, he was warm. Because of this level of comfort that he'd created for himself with his very own hands; when it began to rain hard, he stripped off his clothes and stepped outside.
    He had always been a "nature boy", preferring to swim naked wherever possible and at every opportunity, taking a shower with pure, unadulterated rain water. But this was different. This was a spiritual experience. Here he was, in the Garden of Eden, as naked as Adam, getting showered with beautiful indigo rain. His body felt invigorated. He knew the water on this world had restorative properties. His skin tingled, much as it had the first time he had thrust his arm through the mysterious doorway so many days ago, but this was not as uncomfortable as that had been. Again he allowed himself to dream an indulgence into existence; This time it was in the form of a bar of natural soap, that smelled of coconut, pineapple and mango. He washed himself off and shampooed his hair with the soap. When he was done, he stood there enjoying the feel of the rain. It was then, as he glanced around at his surroundings in the rainy darkness, that he saw all of the eyes looking at him. It seemed that everywhere he looked, from close to the ground, to approximately his own height; even up in the trees, there were sets of eyes looking at him. This freaked him out some, and he retreated back to his shelter and dried off next to the fire. Again, despite having the power to think anything into existence, he passed on the idea of having a towel, and allowed his body to dry naturally by the warmth of the fire. He wanted to be as primitive as possible in this trek he was on. He decided he would forego his clothes for now, which was a good thing; as they were nowhere to be found. It was almost as if his powers were ahead of his thoughts, eliminating his clothes before he decided to go without them. Like John Lennon had said, "Strange days indeed! Most peculiar Mama!" In any case, he couldn't get much more primitive than this.
     After he was dry, he took some of the bigger logs that he had stockpiled; and he was glad now that he had; and stacked them next to the door to his shelter. Whoever or whatever owned these eyes, they could stay outside. He lay down on a bed of leaves and moss that he'd already made, and fell fast asleep. That night he dreamed of Curly, running through a field of tall green grass, fleeing in terror from some unknown, unseen threat. In his dream, Jim reached out to help his friend but was unable.
     When he awoke the next morning, he was rested but uneasy. It was still raining, so Jim threw more wood on the fire and considered what to do about his missing friend Curly. He had no clue what to do other than follow his intuition, which led him strongly to consider a break in the trees in the opposite side of the small clearing he was camped in. When he'd first stepped into the clearing, his eyes had gone directly to this spot, as if there was a sign attached to the trees.
     In any case, he was not going anywhere now. Sure, he could make the rain stop and the sun shine, but he knew there was a reason for the rain. He knew the rain had a purpose - for the environment, and more importantly, for him. Jim was meant to stay put for a few days. He wanted to go right then, before Curly got too far ahead of him, or worse, came to any harm. But he would let Mother Nature guide him, in ways only she could muster. So it was, that he had meditated, sitting naked on his bed of moss in the lotus position, his cupped hands resting on his thighs, facing upward, ready to receive knowledge from the universe. He opened his mind, trying his best to commune with the Mother spirit, and seek her wisdom and guidance. He didn't feel any response but when he opened his eyes, he saw what he could only assume was a sign. There, on the ground, in the exact center of the shelter opening, grew a lone mushroom.
     He got to his feet, walked over to the opening and picked it. He knew exactly what it was. It was called Amanita Muscaria and they grow at the edge of pine forests everywhere. His best friend, Dave Mellor, who was as straight laced as could be, had told Jim of smoking them with the cook at an Appalachian Mountain Club Lodge where he worked for the summer. He said it had made him trip and that he'd seen visions. Jim had never dared try this, since when he'd looked it up in the encyclopedia brittanica, then on the web, when that came along, they were classified with the same puzzling description - poisonous/psychoactive. He always wondered if that meant "If you eat this, you'll die, but before that, you'll trip your balls off," or did it mean "You'll trip your ass off. You won't die but might wish you had?"
     Jim carried it back to his bed and sat down with it. Turning it over in his hands, he examined the strange white spots or growths that dotted the otherwise red cap. These "shrooms" had graced many album covers in the sixties. He snapped the stem off and discarded it in the fire. The spots were raised up areas, or possibly growths, very similar to warts. He thought, quite possibly, that these might be the psychoactive component, but he wasn't sure. He did know that certain Native American tribes had used them in their religious ceremonies for millennia, sharing pieces of mushroom cap in much the same way a Christian priest shares a communion wafer. The natives viewed it as a surrogate for the body of the great spirit who resides in the sky.
     Jim noticed that the gills on the underside of the mushroom cap seemed to be falling off, so he reached his thumb in and gently scrubbed them off. Again, he followed his intuition. There was still no Google voice, but he knew it was the right thing to do. Next he placed the cap onto a rock at the fire's edge, trying to dry it out so it would burn. As it dried, Jim sent his thoughts out to it. He asked it to guide him on his vision quest, and to help him have a safe passage into the spirit realm or wherever he ended up traveling after ingesting it. He thanked it for appearing to him, and for helping him. He then reached out and took the cap from the stone. He held it up high in both hands as a priest would do.
     "Thank you Mother for putting this in my path. Thank you for guiding me in my quest for knowledge. Please guide me to my friend so that I might save him." He spoke his prayers to the sky. He felt a slight vibration in the mushroom; only for the briefest of seconds.
     He lowered his hands, broke the mushroom in half and ate each half slowly, almost like they did in church, with the sacrament of communion. He sat still thereafter, staring at the flames, waiting for it to take effect. He watched intently as the flames began changing colors and dancing for him. He watched in awe as the flames revealed themselves to be individual beings of fire or light, dancing their interpretive message to him, seeking communication with him on a cerebral level.
     It was then that Jim realized he needed to go outside and talk to the rain. He walked out into the ongoing downpour. As if to welcome him, the rain momentarily increased its volume and intensity upon the land. He stood there with his arms upraised toward the clouds. He enjoyed the feeling of the rain on his naked flesh. This was not the same rain he'd played in as a kid. This was a different chemical or ionic composition. It was still water, but as he'd learned from swimming in the beautiful lake, the water here had definite restorative properties. His skin tingled with each drop. It almost seemed as though the rain was caffeinated and each drop was carrying a coffee buzz directly to his skin. His body felt invigorated. His entire being felt alive and integrated with nature and the cosmos.
     He noticed all of the different colors of the Universe present in his mushroom enhanced vision. The trees and vegetation around him were glowing now; not with green, but bright electric colors; blues, reds, purples, and ethereal colors that no-one knows the name of. He discovered that his vision now seemed to have undergone a ten-fold enhancement. He now saw the microscopic world in all it's intricate natural wonder. His eyes had been unlocked and he found himself able to see into each and every drop of rain. He now saw, as the Google sky voice has told him, that there was indeed life in each raindrop. There were not just miniscule microbes and diatoms, but galaxies full of life. He saw now, that each drop of precipitation contained it's own universe, chock full of miniscule galaxies, each containing hundreds of billions of planets; each no bigger than an atom. Each of these tiny microscopic worlds were bursting with trillions of infinitesimal, conscious, living, breathing, thinking beings. He knew that cognizant life existed at all sizes and scales. He realized then that as he revelled in the wonderful feeling of the invigorating rain, he was a mute witness to a vast, immeasurable loss of life. Here he was, enjoying the rain in his altered state of consciousness, while each rain drop; as it hit Jim's skin or the ground; resulted in unfathomable destruction and loss of life. Each falling raindrop represented a vast extinction level event for the untold life within it. Jim began to shed tears at this realization. He saw then, that very similar universes existed in the salty water of his tears.
     This affected him profoundly, as he realized the enormity of life, both seen and unseen. It was all a great circle, like a wheel with many spokes, or a snake biting it's tail. He began to dance then, which was totally foreign to him. He'd never been much of a dancer, and in fact, avoided it at all costs. He always joked that he was a great dancer in the real dance of life that took place between a man and woman in a darkened room. He began moving slowly, moving his arms and legs in a jerking fashion, almost like a man in the throes of a seizure. He moved his clumsy limbs this way and that, moving in some sort of unison with the ever present song of the universe. He began to loosen up, losing his inhibitions and began wiggling his hips and thrusting them back and forth, as if he was a male stripper in search of dollar bills. He got his rythm on and danced, or more accurately, gyrated, whichever way his spirit led him to. He began chanting now, in what sounded to him like a long lost native American tongue. He had no idea what he was saying, but knew it was of profound importance. So he danced. He danced as if his life depended on it. Deep down in his universal heart, he knew his life didn't depend on it, but other lives did. He tossed embarrassment and self-consciousness out the window, and shook and moved his entire body, in synch with the rhythms of the Universe.
     He kept this up until the rain stopped. By then, many hours later, darkness approached. He was winded, and would have been sweating, if not for having danced in a downpour. He knew he had been physically and spiritually cleansed, and that enormous numbers of life forms had died on his very skin so that his body was cleansed. Then the clouds opened up, like curtains, sliding open for a performance. The darkening sky disappeared and was replaced by a movie. Jim saw a view of the mountains he had previously seen - the active volcanoes where the pterodactyls flew. As he watched the scene, every item of scenery was continuously changing colors, like a psychedelic cartoon. It reminded him of Pepperland, from The Beatles animated classic, Yellow Submarine. What he watched was from the perspective he would face if he was flying. He could see there in the valley between the two volcanoes, there existed some sort of primitive village. He could see a small cluster of odd huts made from the natural materials that were provided by the mother planet. He saw beings too, lots of them. They appeared to be humanoid, but somehow different. He couldn't ascertain exactly what that difference was, for his attention was drawn to something else. This large group of beings seemed to be clustered around a circle. They were gathered around another, lone being. This one had pink skin and even in a hallucinatory state, viewed from a birds perspective, he recognized his friend, and he was in trouble.
     "Curly!" Jim screamed at the top of his lungs, and in his vision, he saw him look up, as if he had somehow heard him. Then the vision was gone, and the beautiful starlit sky flickered into View.
     Jim wasn't sure what to do right then and there, so he made his way back to his shelter, noticing again, the many sets of eyes watching him from the forest. This time they were multicolored. Inside the safety of his shelter once again, Jim revived his fire, stirring the burning embers up and adding a few logs until it blazed once again. This done, he lay back on his bed. There didn't seem to be much else to do but lay back and enjoy the heat and the multicolored psychedelic spectacle that danced across his vision. He was glad he hadn't died from eating the mushroom.
     He wasn't sure if he actually fell asleep or not. It seemed as if the visions and hallucinations kept on and perhaps transitioned over into his dreams. Like some crazy lucid dream, it was like he was actually awake and guiding his own dream. In any case, his eyes popped open and he was jerked into befuddled awareness, as he heard a loud roar. He lay there, looking straight up as his shelter took off like a rocket, in a burst of flames and thunder, like the ancient "gods" had once done on Earth. He lay there, not moving, but watching as one viewed one of the many rocket launches in Florida, tracking it as it sailed across the sky, towards the distant volcanic peaks of his mushroom trip.
     He blinked his eyes a few times and sat up, taking stock of his real and unimagined surroundings. His shelter was gone alright, but not into space. The sturdy logs of which he'd fashioned his shelter, instead lay splayed out, like rays of a circle, with Jim at its center. The green palm fronds he'd added for waterproofing, also were splayed out in a similar fashion.. There seemed to be a pattern to the remnants of his destroyed shelter, as though each piece had been methodically placed. It struck him then, that the wreckage of his teepee resembled a giant lotus flower, with Jim at its center. He noticed something else too. He was no longer alone.
     Looking around, he saw that he was entirely surrounded by a group of hairy primates. Jim got to his feet, and as he did so a great uproar arose from the hairy hominids as they threw themselves on the ground. He didn't quite understand at first, why they did this, but then it hit him. He was a tall white guy with white hair and a white beard. They thought he was a god. They appeared to be hominids or Cromagnon. They appeared to be just like modern humans. They stood upright, had the facial features of a modern Earthling, save for one fact. They were covered in a growth of sparse, thin brown hair, except for their butts and privates, which were hairless and stuck out like some sort of target. The females also had breasts that were also devoid of hair. On the whole, Jim thought it looked kind of comical. He knew there was a natural reason for this, but still, he chuckled.
     As the great voice in the sky had done for him, he motioned for them to stand up. First he knelt down, to be at eye level with them, and then held his hands out and stood up, motioning for them to follow. He had no idea what to do next. On instinct, he raised his right hand, showing them he held no weapon. Then he had this flash in his consciousness of all the paintings of Christ, seeming to portray him in a similar fashion. "Jim!" he proclaimed out loud, touching his chest as he did so. A chorus of human sounding voices echoed back, "Jim! Jim! Jim! Jim!" getting louder and louder as more and more of them joined in. Then there was much commotion among a large group of stronger males. There was much babbling, as they clearly communicated in some spoken language. He noticed that most of them were holding spears or clubs, and this made him nervous, until he realized they were forming a hunting party. He walked over to them, the crowd parting to let him pass. He gestured for one of their spears, and taking it, took up position in the center of their group. When one of the leaders started running off into the brush, the rest of them spread out and followed him.
     Jim ran with them, wondering just exactly what they were hunting. He found out soon enough. Up ahead, the leader gestured with his hand for them to halt. He locked eyes with Jim and motioned for him to join him at the front of the group. Jim realized that this was a position of honor, and joined him at the front of the hunting party. He realized now, that he would be expected to take part in the kill, perhaps making it himself. He hoped his spear throwing skills were up to par. Squatting next to the leader, Jim saw why he had made them stop. About fifty yards ahead, a giant stegosaurus lay on its side, dead. Most of the large bony plates that stuck up from its spine, had been devoured, no doubt for the blood and rich marrow they contained. Then he saw what was responsible for this. There was a large group of raptor dinosaurs of some type, feasting on the carcass from all angles, tearing huge hunks of meat off with their ferocious, razor-sharp teeth. They were basically six or seven foot tall birds. They were covered with bright jungle green and white feathers. The males had bright red feathers covering their heads, which also sported two very obvious mating crests. They actually had wings too, attached to their small "arms" though it was obvious they were ornamental only.
     Jim had never hunted before and he certainly had no desire to be a raptor snack. Their huge beak-like mouths, studded with ferocious rear-facing teeth, would cause anyone to pause. He didn't though. He stepped forward, spear in hand, and walked ahead to where the ravenous beasts were completing the circle of life. He walked right up to them and was immediately challenged and menaced. Jim stood there looking at this thing, as it bobbed it's head this way and that. It seemed to be doing that thing that dogs do when they are not sure what to make of something. As it did this, it clicked it's teeth and brandished it's wings, spreading the flightless appendages out to appear bigger and more menacing. This thing could easily bite Jim's head off, and here he was, facing it down. Jim started weaving back and forth, bobbing his head up, down, and all over the place as he locked eyes with the ravenous creature., holding his gaze at he slowly maneuvered his spear.
     "Boom shaka laka laka! Boom shaka laka laka!" Jim yelled out, seizing on the creature's surprise to thrust his spear forward into the creature's midsection. However he hit it, the raptor went down fast. It seemed to be dead before it hit the ground. Jim was glad of this. From behind him, the hominids repeated his cry, and rather than ambush their prey as they usually did, they charged them straight on as Jim had done.
     All told, they killed five more, before the remaining predators disappeared into the jungle. The lead hunter gestured to Jim, that they should return to camp, while others called out to the females to come retrieve, clean, slaughter and cook their bounty. Jim grabbed his by the feet, taking a foot in each hand, and began pulling it like a sled. The leader gestured towards the females, but Jim brushed him off and pulled his kill back to the village. He noticed the other successful hunters scrambling to drag their kills back as well. Some of them actually fought over the rights to drag meat back to the village. Amused at this, Jim thought that maybe he had started a new tradition here.
     Back at the village, he sat on the ground next to the females to watch them. He didn't sit there long before four pretty big males brought him a chair they had made while the hunt was taking place. It was really more of a throne. He sat in it and nodded to the four men, giving them leave. He watched as small groups of females gathered around each carcass, and began processing them. First the feathers were removed, and put in woven baskets. The larger tail and wing feathers were put aside for ceremonial purposes. Then the creatures were gutted, cleaned and cut into manageable pieces for cooking. This only took about forty-five minutes. They were that effective and organized. They began carrying the pieces of meat in blankets, toward a well used hearth where a male was trying to strike a spark to a well structured fire. Jim imagined a lighter into existence. This one was in a metal sleeve, with an old style Boston Bruins bear logo. Before anyone could see that he had anything in his hand, he reached into the base of the pile of tinder, twigs and sticks, and flicked his Bic. To them, it looked as if he had snapped two fingers together and made fire. They began snapping their fingers like he had. They began babbling like crazy; backing up and bowing to him at the same time. He held the lighter out to the fire builder and showed him how to use it. The male looked like he had just held a star in his hand. He dropped it and waited for Jim to pick it up. Jim retrieved it and then lit it several times, lighting a twig on fire to show him. This time, when Jim handed it back to him, the fire starter eagerly took it and began flicking it, making sparks, but not quite getting the proper way to keep a flame burning. When he finally did, he held it up in the air to thunderous calls of wonder and amazement. As the fire got to burning pretty well, the hominid held the lighter in his hand, turning it over, marveling at its silvery sleeve, examining closely, the bear logo on its side. He ran his fingers over it, unsure what it signified. He flipped it over again, and examined the spoked B of the modern day Boston Bruins logo. To him it appeared as a strange symbol in the center of a star. It seemed obvious to the hominid that this logo represented the great beings from the sky, that came to visit and now lived among them at a place beyond where the three sky fires kissed the ground each day, before the dark lights turned on. Jim knew in time, they would worship the giant B as the sign of God.
     The females in charge of cooking, now came forward. They bowed to Jim and quickly went to work, setting pieces of raptor meat on the rocks surrounding the fire. These were sizzling in no time and they used sharpened sticks to periodically turn each piece of meat so they were cooked evenly. Some of the other females began dancing around the fire as they placed clusters of what looked like some sort of root vegetables in the ashes at the edge of the fire. There was lots of activity now as others brought bunches of large, sturdy green leaves to the cooks. One of the older females called out something that most surely was a word, something Jim guessed must have something to do with dinner. A line began forming, and one by one, the beings stepped up and received a hunk of meat wrapped in a leaf. The veggies were left in the fire for later, after the meat. Jim noticed how quiet it had become. No-one.was eating. All eyes were on Jim, apparently waiting for him to take the first bite. He picked up his enormous piece of meat, for they had given him what could only be called a king's portion, and held it out toward the crowd, before taking a bite. It tasted amazing, almost like a cross between chicken, turkey, and pork, marinated in honey. Still, none of them ate. He guessed they were waiting for him to say something, or give them permission. He got to his feet, held his hunk of roast dinosaur meat up in the air, and called out to them.
     "Tastes like chicken!"
     He took a big bite and motioned for them to eat; bringing his fingers to his mouth. Then, an elder, covered with silvery gray hair, stood up, and with unsteady arms, held his portion of meat toward the sky. A cheer rose up from the rest of the group; more of a roar than anything, and then,
     "Boom shaka laka laka! Boom shaka laka laka!"
     At this, they all began devouring their meat, while the females laid the cooked vegetables on a mat of leaves, serving Jim first. Jim chuckled to himself, thinking that these obviously intelligent beings might go on, one day, to worship the great spoked B in the sky and proclaiming that old sixties rock lyric, as some sort of blessing. The vegetables did turn out to be potatoes, that had a taste not unlike French fries. The other root vegetables had a taste like roasted cashews, and were delicious.
     When everyone had enjoyed second helpings and any mess was cleaned up, the females and children danced and sang in beautiful sing-song voices that reminded him of the music of the Universe; or of the lonesome call of a long lost love from across the river of time. Jim sat with a group of elders to honor their wishes and traditions, and also because he wanted information. So after they had enjoyed the dancing and singing women and children for a good amount of time, Jim got right down to business. First he cleared an area of dirt on the ground. Then, as the old men watched, he took a sharp piece of stone and scratched a rudimentary drawing of his friend Curly, in the dirt. They all looked at his dirt scratching as if to say, "Whatchoo talkin' about Willis?"
     Seeing their confusion, Jim went to the edge of the forest, momentarily, and returned with several pink orchid petals, which he proceeded to tear up, and carefully placed the pieces inside his dirt picture, trying to color it pink. A couple of them seemed to get it then, and began excitedly communicating with each other, before one of them picked up the stone and drew a picture of his own in the dirt next to Jim's drawing.
     What he drew was unmistakable. It was something Jim had seen in real life, out on the path, and in both his hallucinations and dreams - the valley of the twin volcanoes. As if to confirm Jim's understanding of this, the elder hominid tapped both the drawing of Jim's little tree hatchling, and that of the mountain peaks, before waving his hand away and pointing in the direction of where sunset was. Jim sent his mind out in that direction and he knew his friend Curly was out there; in danger, but safe, at the moment anyways.
     After telling the elders thank you, and hearing them repeat it back to him, he headed over to where his shelter had been. The crowd parted for him, creating a path for him to walk, and filling in behind him. He was surprised to find that his teepee had been rebuilt for him. Welcoming smoke curled from the hole it it's roof.
     He stood there looking at it, shaking his head. When he'd seen how the logs of his shelter had been splayed out in a perfect circle that morning, he had known it was a sign from the Universe, that his time among these beings was coming to an end. He was, nevertheless, glad to see it rebuilt, so that he had a place to rest for the night. As he was about to enter his shelter, he stopped, turned, and addressed the crowd. He wasn't really sure why, but it seemed appropriate to recite the words of the Earthly poet, Jim Morrison. Raising his hands to the sky, he spoke to them the words he had first heard in 1973.
     "Now night arrives with her purple legions.
     Retire now, to your tents, and to your dreams.
     Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth.
     I want to be ready."
     He knew they wouldn't understand a word of this, but it somehow seemed appropriate. He was answered back with calls of, "Jim! Jim! Jim! Jim!" He turned and ducked into his cozy, warm shelter. Inside, three females awaited him. In addition to rebuilding his shelter and fire, they had hung strands of fragrant flowers everywhere and assembled baskets of fruit on the floor, on which they had fashioned a gigantic bed. It was obvious what they were here for. Evidently, they were part of his tribute - a gift from the village. They began looking at his "package" and giggling with anticipation.
     Realizing what was afoot, and wanting no part of it, Jim cupped his hand over his crotch and shook his head vehemently, saying "No no no!" over and over. But then he questioned himself. What made him think they would even understand what we Earthlings consider a universal sign of no, or negative? He rolled his naked, primitive self away from them and busied himself, sampling some of the wonderful fruit they had assembled for him.
     Big mistake. Barely thirty seconds later, if that, he fell into a dream. He rolled over onto his back in front of the three amorous females, and found himself clutching the side of a palm tree, almost forty feet off the ground. He was so startled he almost fell. He looked around, scanning his surroundings, but he knew full well where he was. He was wherever it was that Curly was currently being held hostage. He had noticed in his mushroom trip, that there was something odd about the beings that had captured his wrinkly pink friend. He now noticed that these beings were green! There were a large number of them gathered around a large stone structure. It resembled a bench, or maybe a bed. He could make out a channel, running around the edges of this thing, and he realized with horror that this was a sacrificial altar. Torches burned in a circular perimeter around this altar. A green being, decorated with some kind of animal fur, held some sort of ceremonial dagger or sword, and menaced Curly with it, as he pulled him up forcibly and made him lay down upon the altar. Jim could see his companion's face and the abject terror upon it.
     Suddenly Jim found himself pulled down on the ground and held in place, like a defeated wrestler to the mat. He struggled and managed to break free. He found himself facing, not a group of enemy creatures, but the three females on the bed they'd made on the floor of his shelter. As before, they giggled, but now there was something different in their demeanor. He noticed their tone had changed and their giggles were now those of knowing appreciation. The look in their eyes seemed to be a mixture of thanks and lust. He had a feeling that during whatever kind of trip they sent him on with their strange fruit, that he had most likely conceived a new hybrid generation of these strange hominids. Strange fruit indeed, he thought to himself. That night he truly slept. His brain and his consciousness, truly rested. He didn't dream at all. He didn't need to.
     The next morning, when he exited his teepee, followed by the three females, there was loud roaring and cheering. He heard his name chanted over and over. He noticed the three females had been absorbed into a larger group of females, all chattering eagerly for some details of how the mating had gone.
     He met the elders and gestured to his chest, then to the twin volcanic peaks visible above the tree line. The eldest one nodded his head while another sent out a call for a group of hunters to follow. After what he'd seen in his dreams and hallucinations, he welcomed any help he could get.
     Before leaving, he sought out the three gracious females from the previous night, and gave them each a crystal on a leather necklace. Into his hand he'd popped the three necklaces; one with a quartz crystal, another with a smoky quartz crystal, and the third, with an amethyst crystal. Despite the fact that he didn't remember anything, he thought it was appropriate that he did this as thanks for their "gift". He wanted to be sure to appear grateful so he wouldn't offend them in any way. By doing so, he knew he had cemented their status among the villagers forever. He next found the fire starter and presented him with a box of disposable lighters. He found the lead cook and presented her with a restaurant grade cutting board, meat cleaver and carving knife. He showed her how to use them on some meat she was preparing. She threw her wrinkled, hairy, old arms around him in a big old bear hug. When he stepped back, he saw that she had tears in her eyes. This made him feel good. He knew this would make her life a bit easier. To the eldest of the elders, he gave something he had made with his own two hands the previous night as they watched the dancing around the fire. He presented him with a walking stick he had fashioned from a broken spear. He had skinned all of the bark off, revealing the honey-colored hardwood underneath. Jim had burned the end in the fire some, and then ground the charred end in the dirt, rounding it off. Running up and down the front of it, Jim had carved his best effort at a New England Patriots logo, affectionately known as "Elvis"to adoring fans. The elder took the walking stick with reverence, clearly honored to hold in his hand, something made by this powerful being known as Jim. He ran his aged gnarled fingers across the carving, brightly colored with sharpies he had blinked into existence just for this. Jim pointed to it and said, "Patriots! Number one!" before pointing his index finger up. To the elder's understanding, Jim had just told them of his supreme father in the sky, a great and powerful being named Patriots.
     After completing what he felt were necessary formalities, with these kind, primitive proto-humans, Jim and a large group of hunters and followers, set out to find his captured friend and companion. They walked through the forest at first, following game trails. There was no thought of hunting though. They needed to be as stealthy as possible. After quite some time, the trail they were on, crossed a larger path, more like a wagon or cart trail, which allowed them space to walk two abreast. They followed this path for quite some time, until they came to a bright area, as the forest path opened up onto a vast savanna that stretched all the way to the village of those who held Curly. Rather than expose themselves to enemy sight, Jim led them all through the edge of the forest, where it curved away from the well traveled path, but still toward perimeter of the village. It was probably a good thing too, as Jim noticed movement in the tall grass adjacent to the path, as some soft of creatures moved through it.
     Jim and his band of warriors slowed now, moving as quietly as they could. Therefore, they were quite surprised to hear the loud squawk of what sounded like a crow. Jim followed the sound and saw, not a crow, but something entirely different. The creature he found himself looking at was about the same size as a crow, but seemed more like a small theropod dinosaur. It stood on two legs, had two puny front legs or arms, a long neck and a beak-like mouth full of teeth. Attached to its arms were real wings, unlike the ornamental wings of what they'd hunted and eaten the night before. This was covered in the most amazing feathers. They seemed as if they were devoid of color, but at the same time, seemed almost prismatic, displaying all of the colors of the color spectrum of this planet. It almost made the bird invisible to its surroundings. In the jungle, it appeared in multiple shades of green foliage one moment, and the various shades of brown and grey of the tree trunks another moment. It almost seemed as though it's feathers were very similar to the wings of a dragonfly; clear but almost acting as a prism. It crowed at them three more times, almost like it was talking to them; Or warning them. As it flew off, it almost seemed to disappear as it's wings seemed to turn to the same blue as the sky. Jim had a good idea it was an archeopteryx, one of the first birds. As it flew off in the direction of the village, he wondered if they might be like the crows in Stephen King's novels, which were always spies for the evil Crimson King. Whatever the case might be, he felt a strong sense that these should be avoided at all costs.
     Not too long after, they finally came to a break in the primeval forest. There was a clearing with more forest on the other side. What grabbed Jim's attention though, was what appeared to be a river of fire running through the clearing, blocking the group from the outskirts of the enemy village. Jim looked both ways and seeing no sign of life, he began heading down the embankment toward the river. Two of the hunters grabbed his arms, trying to stop him. He could see the fear and apprehension in their eyes, but he had to go on. He had no choice, if he wanted to save his friend. He shrugged their hands off him and slid down the embankment. Something he had noticed while looking at this from the forest edge was the complete absence of heat from this apparent river of fire. He was able to get up right next to it, but that did not end his puzzlement. Standing there alone, he found himself, not on the banks of a river of fire, but what seemed, at close range, to be a river of molten gold. In reality, this was not accurate either. There was still no heat. As he dropped to his knees, the hominids behind him began chattering loudly, obviously trying to warn him, and make him stop.
     Oblivious to them, he grabbed a pebble and tossed it in. He was surprised to see it bounce along the surface and float downstream. He stood up and found himself a dead tree branch. He walked back to the rivers edge and, as he had first done with the doorway that brought him to this strange world, he thrust the stick into the liquid gold. He found this was not a simple thing to do. Because gold is so dense, he had to force the stick in and hold it there. The natural property of the stick was to float, due to its vastly lower density. The fact that gold has a higher density than water, meant the river was resistant to anything sinking even partially. It reminded him of what it feels to try to hold a balloon or a piece of styrofoam under water. He pulled the stick out and examined it. There didn't seem to be any damage at all. He took the branch and threw it into the water. It merely slid across the river and ended up on the opposite bank.
     Jim decided to throw caution to the wind, and thrust his hand into the strange liquid gold. It was a very odd feeling, like holding a handful of mercury. Just a handful seemed to weigh about ten pounds. He poured it from one palm to the other, marveling at this heretofore unknown physical state of the most precious metal in the universe. He began to notice a peculiar feeling in his hands. They almost felt more supple and stronger. He looked closely at both hands. They were free of the scars he'd had from five years work as a "tin knocker" fabricating and installing duct work. His left hand had sported a particularly gruesome scar across it since 1977, since he'd ripped it open working alone on the roof of Narragansett Electric. Of course, he'd only had one band-aid and he'd bandaged it up with duct tape and the napkin from his lunch. No time for stitches. Work came first.
     Now that proud badge of his indestructible youth, and all others, we're gone. He stuck his left foot in, forcing it under the surface for just a few moments before examining his ankle. The first time he'd jumped off the white bridge on the Barrington River, he'd brushed up against a barnacle-encrusted bridge piling, tearing his ankle open good and deep. He'd gotten seven stitches from that mishap; and now that nasty scar had been virtually erased by this strange, apparently restorative liquid gold. On impulse, he lay forward and immersed himself in the strange river; or at least he tried to. As he discovered, it was nearly impossible to do anything in the river but roll around in it, or float completely on its surface. Even doing this, seemed to restore him. He noticed any age related freckles, blemishes and wrinkles were gone. His entire body felt replenished and invigorated.
     He stood up now, knowing the time had come to move forward and save his friend. He gathered his courage and stepped out onto the surface of the golden river. Rather than touching the river bottom, his feet only sunk an inch or so. He turned to see the hominids on their knees at the edge of the forest; bent forward, with their arms and foreheads touching the ground. He waved goodbye to them, then turned around, continuing his journey forward. Behind him, he heard the assembled hominid friends softly chanting, "Jim! Jim! Jim! Jim!"
     He chuckled to himself, thinking that one day a religion might spring up around his very self, the strange son of the sky god "Patriots" who came to live among them, giving them fire in the palm of his hands, and walking atop a river of the sun's fire.
     He stepped across to the other side, feeling forty years younger, knowing that the gold had sorted out, strengthened, and restored the polarity of every atom in his physical shell of a body. A path awaited him on the river bank and he followed it without hesitation. He felt like the king of the world and nothing could, or would keep him from his mission. Soon he would rescue his little buddy and they would be back on their way, down the path of discovery. One thing he noticed right away, was an abundance of feathered spies. It seemed as though each tree hid, and was home to, a very large flock of archeopteryx. When they rose to the sky almost as one, and headed toward the village, Jim started to wonder if perhaps Mr. King was right. That supposition, along with any shred of doubt about King's words, vanished in an instant, when he heard rustling in the forest behind him. He turned around, expecting to see the reluctant hominids joining him. Instead, he saw nothing but empty woods.
     When he turned around, he probably would have shit his pants, had he been wearing any. He now found himself face to face with another vastly different type of humanoid. This one was decidedly reptilian in nature. It seemed to possess each of the attributes that homo sapiens found fear in. It stood about six feet tall and had green skin. It's midsection - it's stomach and most of its back was covered in scales. It's forearms, feet and lower calf's were also. It's toes and hands were webbed, ending in claws. It's entire head, including its face, was also covered with scales. There were two ridges on it's skull which flexed up and down; puffing up and displaying a bright orange, before relaxing and taking on a bluish green color. Jim had a feeling these ridges served as a sort of warning to potential enemies. It's face had an abbreviated reptilian or lizard-like shape. It's huge dark eyes had the vertical, elongated, pointy pupils of a snake. It was eyes like this that had struck fear and terror in the hearts of Earth men since the dawn of the current species of mankind. Jim knew inside that his human brothers on planet earth had faced these terrifying beings many times in the hidden depths of Earth's history. What sucked the breath out of him though, was it's mouth. It was more of a maw, than something so delicate as a human mouth. It almost seemed to grin at him, displaying a mouth full of needle sharp teeth, like an anaconda. Slime dripped from its mouth as his forked tongue darted in and out, sampling Jim's essence from the air. Jim's eyes bugged out even further at this, and he suddenly found himself grabbed from behind, by the scaly minions that had popped from their arboreal hiding places.
     The being in front of him, turned and began walking toward their village. Jim found himself alternately pulled and pushed along the path by clawed reptilian hands. They hissed and clicked at him as they moved. Forked tongues flicked out, tasting Jim's scent, and trying to discover more about this mostly hairless, white-skinned man they had captured. Jim was beside himself with fear. Any thoughts he might have had of having an advantage over these upright walking reptiles, vanished to the back of his mind. He felt their claws digging into the flesh of his arms, as they roughly forced him into their village. He felt a coolness on his skin and realized blood was streaming down his arms from several deep wounds. This seemed to excite them. He noticed their cranial crests now shone bright blue and were flexing up and down excitedly, swolen with blue reptilian blood. All around them, more of these reptile hybrids came out of their huts, flicking their forked tongues and hissing at him, tasting his blood in the air.
     Their homes seemed to be more underground than above it. Each of the beings that appeared, seemed to ascend some sort of ladder or steps, before emerging from an opening in the side of a sloped roof made of piles of sticks and greens. As they moved forward into the village, the crowd got bigger and bigger. They made some guttural sounds that Jim thought must be a spoken language. It reminded Jim of some of the middle Eastern languages. Up ahead, torches lit up a central area, where the core of the crowd had gathered. In the middle of this, tied down with vines, sat his little hairless pink buddy.
     "Curly!" Jim screamed, and saw his head jerk right towards him. Across the crowd, they locked eyes. He could see the poor critter; the strange flesh and blood being, that grew on a tree, jerking excitedly at his restraints. He heard him squealing in a mix of excitement and terror. He bounced as much as he could; trying desperately to break free and run to the safety and protection of his human friend.
     "Jim loves Curly!" he yelled to him, hoping to calm him down. He was relieved when Curly did so, and repeated the comforting phrase back to him. As they got closer to where he was being held, and locked eyes again, Curly could no longer contain his excitement and fear. He began struggling against his restraints more vigorously than before. Jim was horrified when the snake man that was guarding Curly, began whipping him with what looked like a strap made of animal skin. Seeing this and hearing his pink friend scream in pain, Jim lost his damn mind! He tore himself away from the reptiles, tearing his flesh open in the process, and inciting some sort of blood rage in them. A horde of them, grabbed Jim and lifted him over their heads, letting his blood rain down on their excited faces, before slamming him roughly down on a stone pedestal no more than fifteen feet from his friend.
     He looked again at Curly, hoping to calm him down. His wrinkled pink friend saw only fear in the eyes of his human friend. As he struggled even harder, some sort of commotion erupted at the back of the crowd. It seemed like some sort of fight had ignited. Jim figured the scent of blood, and no doubt, pheromones of fear emanating from the two warm-blooded captives, was inciting them toward even more, perhaps deadly violence. Whatever was going on, seemed to be spreading around the outer perimeter of the crowd. Then he heard a sound which filled his heart with hope.
     "Boom shaka laka laka! Boom shaka laka laka!"
     Jim watched with eyes the size of saucers, as a brown wave of hominids exploded into the reptilian bio-mass. Spears and rocks filled the air, as did the mingled shouts of the two species of humanoid hybrids. He tore away from his captors again and ran toward Curly, determined to rescue him while his captors were distracted by the invading hominids. He got to within five feet of him, when a gang of reptilians descended upon Curly. Jim watched them in something beyond horror, as they tore at him, tearing him apart in a blur of blood, flesh, and pink skin. They tore at him with claws and teeth, devouring him, even as he screamed, "Jim!"
     Jim stood there, dead in his tracks, watching his only friend succumb to them, and feeling the bloodthirsty crowd start tearing at his own mortal flesh. He felt a circuit breaker flip in the darkest reaches of his brain. He threw them all off him and began screaming at them.
     "Noooooooo! You motherfuckers! You goddamned motherfuckin piece of shit assholes! Fuck you and the snake whore that hatched you! Piece of shit, goddamned asshole bastards! Fuck all ya'all!"
     He felt something rise up inside him; some sort of primal rage that he didn't even know he had. He jumped to where Curly had been, found a group of them that were smeared with his blood, and tore each of their heads off. He pulled the arm off of one and began beating the crowd with the bloody club. He felt something happening to his body. He felt as if he had just walked into a burning building. He looked down to see his skin turning bright red, then black, before splitting and peeling off, like some nasty, fat-coated potato chips. Underneath his decimated flesh, he saw fire; not flames, but the pure, unbridled energy of the universe. It looked like he was literally a piece of the sun in human form. He heard an unearthly, inhuman moaning, which got louder and louder, until it reached the dull roar of a tornado. He knew it came from within him somewhere. He didn't know how. He felt himself growing, expanding, until he stood about thirty feet high and towered over the village. He saw that his hominid friends had retreated to the forest, and he smote the village. He breathed out fire upon them. Ribbons of flame leaped from his fingertips as he went from dwelling to dwelling, burning the roofs and destroying those that lived inside. He incinerated the entire village, destroying any vestige of reptilian life it had once contained. As if this wasn't enough, he advanced over to the edge of the river of gold, urging the hominids ahead of him, back to their village, before turning and sitting down on the surface of the river. He concentrated all of his spiritual energy toward one goal, and one outcome. He looked up toward the sky and saw a streak of light in the dark sky. He watched with extreme satisfaction, as it brightened from an initial streak of light to an enormous ball of fire, as bright as the sun, lighting the night before slamming into what remained of the reptilian village. Nothing would ever live in this spot again. When the localized explosion ceased, he got up, walked to the river bank and lay down. He fell into a deep sleep to the sound of remote chants of "Jim! Jim! Jim!"
     He awoke many days later. How many days; he had no clue. He saw that he was back to a physical being once again, but the rocks around where he had slept, were charred black, and appeared to be vitrified, as if they had been baked in a kiln.
     He had barely breathed; had barely had time to take stock of his surroundings, when he was struck down with the most intense sadness and grief. He sat there and cried softly, and to himself at first, then wailing loudly, sharing his grief with the world; letting them know a very special friend had met his end here.
     After staying in the very same spot for a week, grieving and ignoring numerous gifts offered up by the villagers, he finally stood up and made his way to where the reptilian village had been. He stepped through the break in the forest where he had been captured, and faced an enormous crater that was already filling with beautiful blue spring water. He sat on a rock and wondered for a while, thinking of his poor innocent friend, and the brutal end that had befallen him. He tried to remember the adventures they'd had, including the last one, in the aftermath of which, Curly had slapped him and run away. He sobbed at this, saying out loud, "I'm so so so sorry Curly. I didn't mean to scare you. I certainly didn't mean for this to happen." He gestured toward the crater. He spent the whole day there, feeling his lost friend around him. He made a roaring fire and slept there on the ground, where his friend had died. That night, Curly haunted his dreams; first slapping him across the face over and over, then repeating "Jim loves Curly" into Jim's face before slapping him again.
     In the morning, when the three suns had risen, he was already hard at work. He'd awoken to find the crater had already nearly filled with water. He thought water of the new lake had reached some sort of equilibrium with the pressure of the underground aquifer, preventing it from overflowing the rim of the crater.
     Around midday, the hominids showed up en masse, and almost as if they'd read Jim's mind, they'd spread out into the forest, digging up small trees, and beautiful plants and flowers. They'd transplanted them along the perimeter of what he now thought of as "Curly's Pond". It would be a place of beauty and peace, in honor of his friend who had been destroyed in such a brutal fashion.
     While they were busy with this, Jim found himself a big oak log at the edge of the forest, and rolled it to the edge of the new prehistoric nature garden, not too far from the path that had once led to the village of the lizard barbarians. He dreamed himself up a hammer, draw knife, and two wood chisels. He used the draw knife to quickly skin the bark off the big log. This done, he set to work carving a sort of inlaid plaque in honor of his fallen companion. He took his time, and carved a very detailed, completely accurate representation of his pink friend. Next to it, he carved the following:    
                   CURLY'S POND
     Dedicated in loving memory of Curly.
     Trusted friend, companion, and traveling buddy.
     Let this place stand in peace, tranquility, and remembrance forever.

     Jim stepped back and considered what he had created. As an afterthought, he knelt down and carved one last thing:
               JIM LOVES CURLY
     The tears flowed like rain after that, in a cathartic release of grief. When this had subsided, he stood and bid his hairy friends goodbye. The old female cook brought forth a generous portion of smoked raptor meat, wrapped in leaves. The elder came forward, and motioning for Jim to bend down, he placed around Jim's neck, a lanyard which held a beautiful carving of a raptor. It was made of the bone of the very raptor that the great hunter Jim had taken down at the beginning of the hunt a few nights past. Jim took the man's hands in his own and thanked him profusely, he looked him in the eyes, noticing for the first time, the cataracts which covered the man's sight. He wondered how in the world could he have possibly carved such a thing of beauty. As if he had read Jim's thoughts, the gray haired old hominid pointed to the sky and uttered three words in perfect English:."Patriots Numba One!"
     Jim smiled upon hearing this, said a final goodbye and walked into the night. He walked through the dark woods until he reached a bit of a clearing, where he lit a fire and bedded down for the night. That night he dreamed he was Captain Kirk on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, looking at a succession of scenes of Doctor McCoy bending over mortally wounded people and reciting his signature line over and over. "He's dead Jim".
     When he awoke, feeling the warmth of the three suns on his face, he got up and  cooked himself a healthy breakfast. He did this, not out of hunger, but because of the comfort he hoped it would bring him; for he was sorely in need of comfort after what had occurred. It brought him little comfort though. He had a hole in his heart the size of the Grand Canyon. All the food or other comforts in the world couldn't patch that up.
     He walked for miles, lost in his thoughts. He blamed himself a million years to Friday, for Curly's death. He thought of all the things he could have avoided, or done differently, to prevent it. He also played back in his mind, the slap of fear or anger, his dead friend had delivered to his face. He felt the lowest he had ever felt, and he wished himself dead. He wished some damn dinosaur would eat him in one bite. Or maybe a pterodactyl would carry him away to it's nest and tear him apart and feed it's toothy babies. He didn't want to live anymore and the thought of a prehistoric bird tearing him him limb from limb, as his friend had been, almost seemed appropriate. Tit for tat, he reasoned to himself.
     He spent the rest of the day in a mix of profound grief, depression, and guilt, at the way things had turned out. Anyone that's ever raised a dog, from a puppy to adulthood, and had to go through the eventual loss of that companion, will understand the level of loss and pain he felt. The fact that Jim had been so close, not more than five feet away when it happened, only made things worse. He could never erase what he had seen. It would remain forever scarred into his cerebral tissue. In the midst of this wondrous Eden, he was in his own personal place of darkness, from which there seemed to be no hope of escape. He didn't know for sure if he wanted to go on anymore. Maybe he should turn around, find that damn doorway, and go home. Who cared if the doorway lettering proclaimed it to be Hell or prison or both. He knew what to expect there, regardless. He knew the rules; understood the routine. And now a dark voice in the dark depths of his mind, questioned whether he should even do that. Why bother? Why not just sleep? He thought it was the same voice, or thought center, responsible for all the dark and negative feelings, fears and depression, responsible for sapping his spiritual energy and will to live. It was dimming the light in his very soul, darkening his once bright aura.
     Unintentionally, he gave in to this train of thought, and spent an unknown number of days just laying around one of the mattress plants, and keeping busy by tending a fire that needed no tending. Jim noticed it got dark, then light again, a number of times, but he didn't keep track. Why bother? When he did sleep, it was pure hell. He saw all of the close up, gory details of Curly's death over and over; Saw the hope in Curly's eyes change to resignation and terror as they tore him to shreds. But most of all he heard Doctor McCoy AKA "Bones" admonishing him over and over, "He's DEAD Jim!"
     Finally, in the midst of all this, Jim snapped. Tearing himself from this dream, he threw himself on the ground and yelled, "No he's not! He is not goddamned dead! No he motherfuckin isn't! He is not dead!" he screamed till his throat was raw. "He's up ahead. He's right behind me hiding in the bushes somewhere. But he's alive. Hell never die!" he screamed in tears. "He lives right here! Right fuckin here!" he pounded his chest. "And you can't get him there! You can't hurt him! You can't hurt ME! I am of the light! Now git! Get the hell outta here and back to the filthy, dark cesspool you were born in! All the power of good in the universe commands you to retreat, in accordance with the ancient laws!" He had no idea what he was even saying.
     Something happened then. Jim felt brightness and warmth within him, like a cloud bank had dissipated within his heart. He opened his eyes to the brightness of day; but something else was different. It was as if a veil had lifted. Everything was so bright. There was a pallet of deep rich colors surrounding him. Beautiful flowers and orchids were everywhere. The air was full of their heady scents. Jim felt as if he had been locked in a smokey barroom all night, and had just stepped out into the fresh air of daylight. He breathed in deeply and felt invigorated. It almost felt as if Mother Nature had pulled him from the darkness and into her bosom. He felt alive again. A tingle in his third eye told him he was right. He sent thoughts of thanks and praise to the mothering, nurturing force of the universe, and he felt himself kissed on the inside. It was a beautiful feeling. He felt cleansed. It felt as if his energy field had been realigned somehow.
     He gladly walked on now, appreciative of the renewed hope he felt, and for the beauty that surrounded him. He felt once again, that he was in synch with the power of the universe. It seemed as though yelling at the darkness had somehow vanquished it.
     Then he saw something which took his breath away. Up ahead, he saw one of those fetus trees, like the one Curly had hatched from. Sure enough, he could see a few of the plant based amniotic sacs hanging from its weepy branches. As before, they seemed to be all different sizes. Some looked on the verge of hatching or birth, or whatever it might be termed, but there was one that got his attention. One of the plant based sacs seemed to be vibrating, rocking from side to side like some fetal pendulum.
     Jim almost turned away, not wanting anything to do with it, but then he felt himself running to it, almost unaware of what he was doing. He didn't really even mean to. It was almost as if his legs had gone rogue, and were running of their own volition. He found himself coming to a stop next to the strange tree. He couldn't take his eyes off of this one particular bouncing baby. The moment he stopped, the prenatal inhabitant of this bouncing tree sac, seemed to lose any inhibition or shyness it might have been expected to possess. With a loud, almost sickening "pop", the wildly gyrating gestational sac burst open, spilling it's flesh and blood, wrinkled, pink inhabitant on the ground. Unlike before, there was no hesitation, no post-natal confusion on the part of the newly hatched critter. Quite the contrary, as a matter of fact. It jumped to its feet and ran to Jim, yelling as it did.
     "Jim loves Curly! Jim loves Curly! Jim loves Curly!"
     Jim felt tears of happiness running down his cheeks, as this strangely familiar, wrinkly pink critter jumped into his arms. It squirmed deliriously in Jim's arms, licking his face and arms, like a puppy licking his master after he'd been away all day. He squealed in delight, almost howling with love and excitement. Jim was in a state of shocked disbelief. He could not believe. He would not allow himself to believe. He hurt too much. This was just some cruel trick by dark forces trying to hurt and discourage him. He would not fall for their deceptive shit; Not ever! All of his denial melted away though, under the relentless "puppy kisses" the small being planted all over his face. Jim couldn't understand this. He had seen Curly slaughtered, torn apart and devoured before his very eyes. He had seen the spark of life leave his eyes as he perished. This just couldn't be; Or could it? He held it out in his arms and looked at it more closely. Other than the fact that it was smaller, it looked exactly like Curly. He saw a familiar spark in its eyes as it smiled at Jim. He told himself it had to be just that it looked like his lost friend. In fact, they all must look alike. When the little critter spoke again, all doubts melted away.
     "I'm trying to think, but nothing happens!"
     It was a phrase he had taught Curly; a quote from his namesake, Curly Howard, of The Three Stooges. These strange critters might grow on trees, but memories didn't, however.
     "Curly?...Curly?...Is it really you?" He asked.
     "Jim loves Curly! Curly loves Jim!"
     The answer, combined with the others, dragged Jim from the precipice of doubt and sadness. Tears of pure joy and love ran down Jim's face as he gave in, accepted the truth and blubbered like a baby.
     "I love you Curly. I'm sorry you were hurt. I'm sorry you were....killed. It was all my fault. I'll never do that again! Never! I'll never let you go; Never let harm come to you." He planted his own kisses all over the newly reincarnated Curly. He got down on the ground and just lay there, letting Curly run and crawl all over him, licking him as a playful pup does his master. Jim lay there, enraptured by the return of his little friend, considering this strange tree. While he had originally thought of it as a fetus tree, he now thought he was wrong.
     "You might wish to consider it as a companion tree." A long absent voice from the sky answered him. "Only the companion soul meant for any potential traveler, will reanimate and hatch."
     "Hey! Where ya been? Vacation?" A slightly cocky Jim asked of the Google god.
     "There are times you must stand on your own two feet and handle the consequences of any action you might take; any occurance the universe dictates. What you have just been through, was another very vital test of your character; your judgement, perseverance, and decision-making skills in the face of adversity. You handled yourself admirably."
     "Isn't there a written test I could have taken? I mean, this was pretty fucked up, if you don't mind me saying so!" Jim answered back.
     "Hey, whattya want me to do?".The everyday Joe, supreme force of the universe answered back. "I just gave ya what was in your own mind. These trials and tribulations gestated in your own imagination. You faced and conquered your own fears without my advice or counsel. In a way, parts of your adventures seemed like Hell to you. Maybe Hell resides in you as well; Not a place, but a state of mind, or consciousness. Maybe self doubt and blame are at the forefront of your own personal hell. You conquered them and made an amazing choice, cursing the forces of darkness at the back of your consciousness, and banishing them. They won't be back. They are not allowed in unless you let them."
     Jim considered these words and felt good about himself for the first time in many days. Hearing all of this from the friendly voice in the sky, gave him renewed confidence and self esteem. Now, just laying on the ground with his adoring Curly, he truly felt on top of the world. He felt home again.
     Little did he know, that just a few days hence, he would be on the verge of death, himself.

To be continued...

2/3/17 - 2/13/17 SRB

© Copyright 2/13/17 By Stephen R. Bonniol. All rights reserved

Announcing OFFSPRING

Announcing OFFSPRING
A Novel by
Stephen R. Bonniol

About the Cover

The Ascent of John represents artist Edward Hail’s attempt in 1974 to capture the spirit of the first four chapters of the biblical Book of Revelations. The result was a 10 3/8” x 7” rendering in charcoal pencil. In his words:
“John, ‘the beloved’ of Jesus’ twelve disciples is being lifted off the prison island of Patmos to see visions of the end of history recorded in his “Revelations.”
The door “opened in heaven” is before him; he rises in the familiar orant prayer position of his day as the first glimpse of God on a throne unfolds overhead.
Surrealistic clouds form a huge ear, echoing the theme of the first three chapters: “He that has an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit is saying . . . “

A Second Savior?

OFFSPRING weaves an intricate tale of an ordinary man followed for decades, and finally contacted by, an alien race which calls itself the Lord. The strange beings are revealed to be responsible for genetic manipulation that brought about the creation of man. This novel mixes Biblical and science fiction references into a riveting account of ancient, advanced civilizations, “Gods” who lived on Earth and an ongoing “species upgrade” in preparation for the end of days. The main character, Henry Bouchard, undergoes hypnotic regression therapy in an effort to get to the cause of ongoing terrifying dreams.

OFFSPRING traces Henry’s odyssey as the therapy unlocks memories of alien abductions and forced genetic sampling. He is informed of the true origin of mankind and the ancient manufacturing of the human race. He is told that it is his destiny to be the second savior of mankind.
Other characters include Maria Sabbatini, a high-class hooker who hears the voice of God whispering instructions; Admiral Nick Whelan, an operative of a shadowy government agency searching for the legendary Atlantean Hall of Records; and Seth Bettencourt, a man obsessed with spying on Area 51. More importantly, there is Eeena, an alien who contacts Henry, informs him of his special role and endows him with God-like powers. He’ll need them to defeat the Antichrist and rescue one million souls to repopulate the Earth after the imminent destruction of mankind.

. . . Stay Up Late and Keep Reading.
“This novel is very well written. The author has a complex story line that is very easy to follow. As you read, you can't help but wonder what happens next and how it is going to tie together. Twists and turns that are surprising and a simply beautiful ending.
This book crosses the lines between general fiction, sci-fi, religious, inspirational and others. The story is beautifully told in a way that makes the reader want to stay up late and keep reading.
Congratulations, Steve. You have created a masterpiece.” –– Kelly Depp, author, "Finding Home" and "The American Princess"

“I have been reading non-stop since I got it! The end was perfection! You did a great job with it. What an awesome concept!” –– Sherrie L.

“Some day soon, Stephen King will have this book on his shelf!” –– Joe M.

“After reading the blurb, I found myself intrigued. The characters are so rich and the voice so fresh for a new author that I have to recommend it.” –– Tracy K.

About the Author

Stephen Bonniol was born, raised and still lives in Barrington, Rhode Island, a town on the shores of Narragansett Bay. If you've ever seen the original Leave it To Beaver TV series, that's what his childhood was like. A good portion of his writing takes place there and in the nearby states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

In addition to OFFSPRING, Bonniol has written one children’s book, "Noogies are Wild," a story of sibling rivalry, overcoming adversity and how love between siblings can overcome all odds. He has also authored dozens of horror shorts, many of which were included in Lovecraftian Ramblings, an H.P. Lovecraft fanzine. These are now part of Brown University’s H. P. Lovecraft collection. An anthology will be published soon. Bonniol is hard at work on his second novel, "Hummingbird Wings."

Jacket design and cover art (Ascent of John) by Edward Hail

If you are interested in UFOs or Alien Abductions - BUY THIS BOOK

If you are interested in ancient aliens - BUY THIS BOOK

If you are curious about the origin of man and the contrast between the biblical and archeological explanations - BUY THIS BOOK

If you are interested in the End of Days - BUY THIS BOOK

If you know me and my writing style as evidenced here and elsewhere - BUY THIS BOOK

If you like a book that will grab you and not let you go until you are finished - BUY THIS BOOK

If you have ever read of "Planet X" or Niburu - BUY THIS BOOK

If you want the first book from a very prolific author - BUY THIS BOOK

OFFSPRING is available at the following link.

 I guarantee you will not be disappointed. If time allows, I will post some sample chapters here as well. Those fans, friends and perfect strangers that have read this have universally loved it. When a non-family member tells me it is great, I put more credibility in it.

Your friend in literature,
Stephen R. Bonniol

The Doorway to Hell

The Doorway to Hell

A journey of enlightenment

A short story by
Stephen R. Bonniol

     Jim Dunford found himself in a bit of a tizzy on election day, November 8, 2016. He hadn't voted in the last election and he'd promised himself he would not make the same mistake this time. He had registered to vote three months ago and had his new Florida voter ID, and a picture ID in his wallet. He even brought some mail that verified his address. He was all set, or so he thought. Of all the elections he had voted in since 1976, this year's was clearly the most important one. He had to cast his vote to keep this asshole from the white house. He was more than a little dismayed when, after walking to the polling place, he was not allowed to vote. The problem was his photo ID. He had his Rhode Island drivers license, valid until 2018. This had both his photo and his signature on it. The poll worker told him to have a seat and wait for a supervisor. He did this and after a short wait, the supervisor told him he could fill out a provisional ballot that would need to be examined by a bi-partisan committee after the election, and either accepted or rejected. Jim told himself this would be OK. His vote would have a 50/50 chance of being accepted, about the same odds as having his candidate win. This was also the percentage of his friends that he would piss off with his vote.
     He barely had time to consider this when the supervisor told him that he could not in fact, issue him a ballot without a valid Florida photo ID. Even a debit card from a local bank, with a photo, or a concealed carry permit would do fine. The man mentioned the concealed carry permit more than once. Jim wondered if perhaps he had mistaken the bulge of the knife he carried clipped to his waistband of his shorts, for a gun. In any case, the man advised Jim to head down to the new County Court House and get a Florida identification card. He told Jim the polls were open till eight that night. Since it was only one in the afternoon, Jim decided to follow the man's advice, and headed back out to the main road and set out to walk the mile or so to the courthouse to get their damn ID card. He was almost to the courthouse complex when pessimism set in. He asked himself did he really want to walk all this way, only to stand in several different lines, first for a duplicate birth certificate, then in another to get the actual identification card? Why was he gonna spend all this time and fifty to seventy-five bucks all for the privilege of voting for the lesser of two evils, who in all likelihood wasn't gonna do a damn thing to improve his life. He'd rather go for a walk in the woods instead. He reasoned he'd get more benefit from that.
     He turned around and walked back to his home. He grabbed a frozen bottle of water as he always did on his daily walks. It would gradually melt in the Florida heat and give him a supply of refreshingly cold water as he walked. Before he left the house he decided to smoke a small amount of something else that was on the Florida ballot this year, something he looked forward to voting for. He only took three puffs, strictly for medicinal benefit, just enough to chase away the aggravation and open his mind to nature, before setting out on his way.
     It took him fifteen minutes or so to get to the sign announcing the "Lehigh Greenway Rail Trail". Jim paused for a second at another sign warning him that he "may encounter alligators in and around bodies of water in the park". The sign further admonished visitors to "not attempt to feed or approach any alligators in the park". "Gee, ya think?" he thought to himself as he passed a bulletin board displaying a flyer with photos of each of the six species of poisonous snakes one also might encounter in the confines of the park. He had been walking here for over a year and had yet to see any aquatic life more than some big turtles and a blue heron.
     Jim loved it here. It was shaded by tall pines, palms and oaks on either side of  the paved path. To the left was a canal he estimated to be twenty feet across. There were markers every half mile, as well as benches, where weary walkers or cyclists could sit and rest if needed. He bypassed most of these though, in deference to his favorite spot - a bench at the base of a massive old oak tree, whose wide spreading branches reminded him of the Liberty trees, often seen in the town commons of many New England colonial towns. It was under trees like this, that patriots met to plot their fight for freedom from the British empire some two-hundred forty years ago. He sat there in peace, drinking from his half melted, but still cold, water bottle. He held it against his forehead for a bit, cooling off his body some in the process.
     He still had plenty of energy left, so after sitting for fifteen minutes or so, he got up and walked another twenty yards until he reached another canal; one which branched off at a right angle from the one to the left of the path. This canal was wider than the main one, so Jim always liked to stop and scan it and its banks in either direction for gators, snakes and any other critters which might be lurking there. He didn't see anything but a strange noise at his left, caught his attention. He heard a strange buzzing or crackling sound, and as he turned to investigate, he was faced with a most unusual sight.
     Jim found himself staring at an area of blurry, quivering air. His first thought was that it resembled a mirage, like those often seen above roadways on hot August days. This strange shimmering air looked to be about his height and three or four feet wide. He stood there entranced, just staring at this strange sight, but moved no closer, for as he had initially heard, this area in front of him was humming, crackling and buzzing, similar to a high voltage transformer. One thing Jim had learned at an early age, when he had ignored his parents' warnings and stuck his fingers in an electrical outlet, was that you didn't mess with electricity.
     He walked back to dry land, bent and picked up two pebbles and a stick, before heading back onto the bridge to further investigate the strange unsettled air. And now, as he stood a mere foot away, he saw that it was not really blurry air as he had first thought. Upon closer examination, he found he was standing in front of, and studying what appeared to be a curtain or doorway of water. Looking closer, he noticed this same blurry area actually resembled the multi-faceted, shimmering surface of a pool of water, heavily dimpled by a stiff breeze. Without thinking, Jim tossed first one, then both of the pebbles, into this strange anomaly. They both disappeared without so much as a sound. Next he took the stick and thrust it half-way into the strange window or doorway. He withdrew it and examined it closely. It didn't seem to have suffered any ill effects, and despite the watery appearance of the strange doorway, it was completely dry. On an impulse, he held his hand out to this strange humming, crackling curtain of apparently dry water. With some trepidation, he thrust first his index finger, then his entire hand in. "Yow!" he yelled as he yanked his hand out with such force that he fell backwards against the bridge railing. His hand didn't hurt, and appeared to be alright. When he had put his hand through this mysterious barrier, it had felt like it had been covered with bugs, crawling all over the place. It didn't hurt. It just startled the hell out of him. He tried it again. This time he held his hand there, fighting the natural instinct to pull back. He noticed that creepy crawly feeling went away after thirty seconds or so. He kept it there, pushing in up to his shoulder. On impulse, he put his head through. He resisted the urge to scream as his entire face and head was now awash in the tingling of a million ants crawling about. He looked first left, then right, quickly surveying what lay beyond. In such a quick glance, it looked to be identical woods and wilderness as he currently stood in. He withdrew his head, and after taking a few deep, cleansing breaths, he took his right hand, crossed himself and stepped entirely through.
     It seemed like once he committed himself to step through the strange doorway, that some sort of force pulled him through. The thought of childbirth entered his mind. He had the fleeting thought that he was being pulled from the warm protective womb of one life, and into the naked uncertainty of another. He felt like he had just buried his entire body in a termite mound. Every centimeter of his body was tingling. He heard nothing but humming and crackling in his ears, inside the deepest depths of his brain. For a few moments he was terrified, and fought the urge to turn and run back through the strange doorway. In fact, he probably would have, had it been there. He stood there still in one spot as the humming, buzzing and crackling ceased and the tingling lessened. It was only after the tingling reduced itself to that level one feels upon holding their true love in their arms for the first time, that Jim turned around. The door, the strange shimmering portal he'd just stepped through, was gone. While his first quick look before stepping through, had appeared normal, he now saw that the environment he now stood in, was anything but normal. The first thing was the bridge he was standing on. Rather than the steel and concrete span he had been in the middle of, he now found himself on a more primitive structure, made of two hefty logs, with multiple hand-hewn boards fastened across. It was while examining this strange happenstance, that Jim had seen a truly frightening sight. While examining the canal, or actually it seemed more like a river now, he noticed a wake moving steadily toward him. In fascinated horror, he watched, as he first made out the snout and nostrils of an approaching alligator. He saw a stronger set of ripples in the water from its undulating tail, a good distance behind the head. Based on his own six foot height, he estimated it to be in the neighborhood of eighteen feet in length. It just figured, he thought to himself. He had been coming to this trail for months now, hoping to catch sight of a gator. Now here he was; almost face to face with one that could surely eat him in just a few bites. He stood there, unable to move as it approached the bridge he stood on. He looked directly into one of its cold, black, reptilian eyes as it swam under the bridge and out the other side, paying no attention to him and minding it's own business.
     Jim hurried off the bridge onto dry land as soon as he regained the use of his legs once again. He wasn't quite sure what to make of his surroundings. It seemed to him that he was in the same woods, but in addition to the bridge being different, he noticed that the neatly paved bike path had been replaced by the single track of a well worn footpath. He thought, upon seeing this, was that by stepping through the mysterious doorway, he'd somehow gone back in time, before the bike path, and in fact, before the railroad that had preceded it. He also noticed something very strange; the air. He could see the air. In our everyday busy lives, we breathed without thinking, the clear mixture of noble gasses that made our lives possible. Jim noticed as he walked along the footpath that the atmosphere seemed to have a light bluish tinge to it. He watched in amazement as this strange bluish air streamed into his mouth, and was exhaled as a soft green haze, which blended back into the light blue atmosphere. He didn't know what to make of this. He noticed he felt invigorated. He thought possibly, that he had in fact, gone back a few thousand years to a time of purer, unpolluted air. He guessed that maybe there was a higher concentration of oxygen in the air. Jim Dunford was no chemist. It was just a guess. Just how wrong he was, became obvious when he reached a clearing in the trees as he made his way down the path. It was from this clearing that he spied a lush green valley, bordered by dark mountains, some of which belched smoke. He saw large birds circling in the thermal updrafts that rose up the sides of the mountains, like the vultures of the Florida skies. These were not vultures though. These were far bigger, with long tails which terminated in a sort of diamond-shaped appendage. It was only after considering the strange, featherless birds, that Jim noticed what amounted to a game changer in his assumptions concerning his current surroundings. For there, just slightly above the distant volcanoes, sat not one, but two suns.
     "Oh Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy," he said out loud. "I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. This point was driven home in short order.
     "Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!" came from behind him. He whirled around, and faced, not a crowd of irate strangers, but rather, a group of large crabs. They looked identical to the blue crabs he and his friends used to catch in the shallows near the Bungtown Bridge in Swansea, MA. These were decidedly different though. First of all, they looked to be about two feet wide, whereas the crabs he'd caught as a kid were six or seven inches wide. Secondly - no crab he'd ever seen or caught, spoke. But these odd-looking crustaceans were not only speaking, but were cursing him out. As he stood there dumbfounded, looking at and listening to these strange crabs clustered at the edge of a creek, he realized that they were not, in fact, swearing at him. It now seemed that the sound they made was more of a "fffff cue" than the common swear that was so deeply embedded in modern day English.
     "Fffffff cue!" he called out to them. They began answering him back and advancing toward him en masse.
     "No! No!" he exclaimed at this perceived danger.
     "No-no! No-no!" this odd critter choir answered him back as they ceased their advance. He turned and began walking briskly away. "Bye-bye" he mumbled under his breath as he put some distance between himself and them.
     "Bye-bye, Bye-bye, Bye-bye!" they repeated from behind him.
     As he continued on down the path, he noticed that one of the two suns had already set, and the second one appeared to be touching a low spot in the mountain range ahead. It also seemed like no time at all before this sun set as well, leaving only a bright area on the horizon to mark where the strange dual suns had set.
     When it got dark, it never seemed to get entirely pitch black. It was more.of a pleasant twilight. He looked toward the opposite horizon and saw a faint whisper of a glow. He instinctively reached for his cellphone to check the time. "No Data" was displayed on it in several places, where the time, weather and location were normally shown. He thought about throwing his now useless technology away, but just shut it off and put it in his pocket instead.
     He thought to himself that he ought to find a spot to bed down for the night. As if on cue, a big green lump came into view by the side of the path up ahead. He quickened his step a bit, eager to see what possibilities this might offer. It offered everything he might have desired in a bed. It looked and felt like moss. It was sort and spongy, yet firm and resilient. It was almost like natural memory foam. He sat on it gingerly at first, until he was sure it would bear his weight. It looked so welcoming he didn't hesitate to lean back and relax. He felt like he was in a recliner and he faced an unobstructed view of the sky. He was facing the horizon where he imagined the two strange suns would eventually rise.
     The stars he now looked at were entirely different. Not that he knew all of the constellations, but he did know the familiar ones, like the big dipper, little dipper, Orion and the Pleiades, that faint cluster of stars known as the seven sisters. And when the Milky Way rose into view it looked different and was oriented differently. It seemed to have a different tilt to it and was far brighter than he was used to. The thought popped into his head that he was now looking at the cosmos from a different arm of the galaxy. He barely had time to consider this when the sky was lit up with whispy purple flashes. It looked like purple lightning and reminded him of one of those plasma balls he'd had as a kid; the kind that flashed electric arcs in response to the touch of his hand. It was a beautiful sight that he instinctively knew was something akin to the Aurora Borealis or Northern lights.
     "Nope, nowhere near Kansas," he said out loud.
     He noticed one other very astounding thing as he viewed the night sky. There was a steady stream of what we would undoubtedly call UFOs, traveling in straight lines across the sky. In addition to this, he saw a series of flashing lights going back and forth between several sets of stars in the night sky. As before, the answer to his thought seemed to pop into his head. They were packet burst transmissions between neighboring stars. Think "Beam me up Scotty" on a more massive scale. Jim somehow knew this to be true. He didn't think it or suppose it. He unequivocally knew it to be true.
     He awoke untold hours later. He had no idea how long he'd slept. That same voice of intuition in his head told him he'd had the exact amount of sleep his body had required. He had first opened his eyes to see a field of green just inches from his face. It seemed that during the night, the bizarre moss-like growth he'd slept on, had grown so as to completely enclose him, like a mossy cocoon. He noticed little tendrils of indigo vapor emanating from the moss. He knew it was a natural substance which cleansed and replenished his organs as he slept. It filled the cocoon space up, cooling and invigorating his body, before the moss which surrounded him melted from his field of vision. He knew he had just experienced some sort of symbiotic interaction, in which two living organisms benefitted from contact with each other.
     He was just about to stand up, when the first thing he saw, stopped him where he lay. For right then, as he looked toward the horizon, he saw not two, but three suns. But that was only part of his shock. He found that he was looking at, in broad daylight, the three stars of Orion's belt. Here he was, staring at a sight that had been drawn, painted, and memorialized on the walls of temples and burial chambers of virtually every ancient civilization known to man.. The great pyramids of Giza, and in fact all pyramids found anywhere on earth, were laid out to mimic the exact spacing of these three stars. This was, according to the ancients,, the home of the Gods. The same "Gods" that created mankind through genetic manipulation. The same "Gods" that lived on Earth, on the giant continent of Lemuria, before the creation of man.
     Up until the day before, Jim had entertained the thought that he was still on Earth, as it existed far back in the depths of prehistory. Maybe at one time, before life began, there had been two suns. Who knew? But this sight he now beheld, dashed that thought into a million pieces. Fuck Kansas. He wasn't even on Earth anymore! The same intuitional thought-voice as before, gave him the knowledge that he was currently on what we would call a "rogue planet", a wandering planet that was not part of any star system, And was in fact, "parked" in space, for now anyways, at a spot equidistant from all three stars. It was in fact, anchored in place, by the gravity of the three well known stars. Jim had no reason to doubt these strange intuitions. They seemed to be true. In any case, he had no choice.
     He had just barely had time to consider this when hen heard the sound of approaching footsteps - lots of them. He looked in the direction of the sound. Off in the ferns and other vegetation that bordered the path, he saw tall, tropical vegetation moving this way and that as a small army approached, weaving in a serpentine motion, rather than a straight line. And then it burst forth from the primordial forest. Not an army, but an enormous millipede. It stood about three feet tall, with a body as big around as a car tire. He guessed it to be as long as two full size cars. He recoiled in fear, but rather than menace him in any way, it actually smiled at Jim before crossing the path and disappearing into the jungle on the opposite side.
     "OK, Have a nice day now," Jim called after the departing insect. "What the hell?"
     And then he noticed, or rather, his attention shifted back to something he had already noticed since he had been on this strange pathway; on this very bizarre planet. It was music; wonderful, spiritual, relaxing sounds and notes. There were no guitars being plucked, no drums being tapped, nor any other instruments. It reminded him of the calm, peaceful notes and rhythms of the type of music one might use to aid in meditation or to help relax before sleep. He had noted this upon his arrival here. It really was like being born into this strange world. He really was almost like a fully grown human baby, having to learn everything about where he now found himself. His mind was full to capacity with newly discovered things.
     But now, as he calmed his mind down and began paying attention to the strange music, it filled him with beautiful, relaxing feelings of peace and love, and oneness with the universe. He considered whether these were, in fact, the sounds people were describing when they wrote of or told of hearing a chorus of angels. That same intuitive thought-voice answered that it was the sound of the universe. These were sounds emanating from nearby stars and planets.
     "Now wait just a damn minute!" Jim yelled out loud, "Why is it, or how is it, that everytime I think of a question, Boom! There's the answer?"
     "I am GOOGLE, all knowing, all seeing God of all there is." This time, the answer came from the sky.
     Jim dropped to his knees, not as any act of supplication before God, but because his knees had weakened upon hearing this.
     "Google? Really" He yelled at the sky "So we've all been praying to what? A search engine? An algorithm?"
     "Calm down, my son", the voice answered.The search engine of which you speak; the one which sports my name, is only a link, a searchable index to the database of universal knowledge known as the Akashic Record. This is the archive of all knowledge, known and unknown, discovered, undiscovered, and theorized. This is the vast cloud of knowledge from which Einstein first posited his theories, and from which a man named Mendeleev saw the periodic table of the elements in a dream. It is where titans of industry, like Gates, Jobs, Tesla, Edison, Bell and others, got their ideas from. Your species is awakening rapidly now and gaining more and more access to this repository. This is where authors, such as Wells, Verne, Asimov and King and a little known healer named Nostradamus received their visions of the future.
     The more technology advances, the more your species rids their bodies of the mind fog brought on by fluoride in your water and additives and poisons in your food supply. This is resulting in clearer perceptions of the universe and it's knowledge. With each mega-jump in knowledge your society makes, you become more godlike. Now, rise up my son, my friend. It is a certainty that I am above you and over you, but I do not require you to grovel before me. My wish, and your reward, comes only with your continuing to strive for perfection and to adhere to universal tenets to live, love and learn."
     Jim got to his feet and began walking as he considered these Earth-shattering revelations with which he had just been bombarded. As he continued along the path again marveling at the ethereal music and the visible, light blue air, a row of short trees came into view. They looked to be some sort of fruit trees and were full of large purple globes that were slightly smaller than basketballs. And then as he got closer to the trees, there erupted a sudden cacophony of voices, all exclaiming but one word. "Me! Me! Me! Me!"
     The calls filled the air as each fruit called to him vying for his attention; begging to be picked and eaten. Jim reached up and picked one, turning it over in his hands, exploring it. It looked like a giant Concord grape, like the ones he and his friends once picked by the side of the road in Rehoboth, Massachusetts as kids. But unlike those grapes, which grew in clumps on vines, these fruits, these strange talking fruits, grew as singular fruits, much like apples or oranges.. He decided to call them "me fruit" for obvious reasons. He held the strange fruit up to his nose, and after a deep sniff, he took a tentative bite. It was indeed, like a giant Concord grape. In no time at all, he had devoured three of them and his face was covered with purple stains, as were his hands and arms. He merely imagined washing up, and a small two level fountain appeared in front of him. Jim didn't hesitate and dunked his whole head in and washed his face and hands. He shook his head once or twice and his hair was instantly dry and groomed. He noticed another thing too. He was high as fuck! He was neither drunk nor stoned, like he would be from cannabis, but the feeling of detachment was unmistakable.
     Google now told him that "One of the worst crimes against humanity was when the masters of the humans made psychedelic or mind enhancing plants like cannabis, mushrooms, peyote and other similar substances illegal. These plants," it explained, "were carefully placed on Earth to help with your spiritual development and in your search for knowledge and truth. These plants were banned to make your search for higher learning and enlightenment, a crime, and thus, keep you in the dark, subservient to your hidden masters. These same dark forces have over centuries, bastardized and equated the word 'high' with stupidity, laziness, and uselessness. The word, in this instance, has always meant to describe the feeling of being above normal existence, lifted up; enlightened."
     Jim saw now with his own enlightened eyes that this was true. For, looking around himself, he could now clearly see the electromagnetic aura of the life force of every living thing. He could feel them too. He could actually feel the love emanating from the trees and plants around him. He was not particularly surprised when, as he admired what appeared nto be a magnificently shaped maple tree at the edge of the footpath, it actually bent over and embraced him with her green leafy branches. He felt blanketed with love and realized then that every living thing had a natural life force or spirit, even a consciousness. He felt this conscious life force was a strong feminine consciousness. This was just what Native Americans and other wise men had been preaching for millennia. Mother Earth and Mother Nature were not just quaint expressions by people with "primitive" beliefs. They were spiritual fact. Two more examples of how we, as a species, have been "dumbed down", being "educated" to believe that knowledge or beliefs such as this, were quaint legends or folk tales; anything but reality.
     Stunned, but not entirely disbelieving of all that he had learned and continued to learn, Jim set out once again along the grassy path, wondering what discoveries today would bring. What could possible surpass all that he'd been told? He didn't have to walk that far. He had only walked about five hundred yards, when he first caught sight of a most unusual tree. He noticed right away, that it appeared to be covered in some sort of nests. From a distance, they reminded him of the tent caterpillar nests that he'd frequently seen a kid, walking in the woods behind Hampden Meadows School. As he got closer though, Jim saw that these were anything but caterpillar nests. These enclosures that hung from various branches, seemed fleshy, resembling a membrane of sorts, rather than the silk spun by thousands of insects. Looking closer, he saw that these membranous sacks contained some sort of living beings. He realized that he was looking at some sort of a fetus tree. What he had initially mistaken for the busy nests of tent caterpillars, were actually more like vegetative amniotic sacks. Each of them held some sort of odd pinkish humanoid creature. It was very unsettling to Jim when, upon examining a few of these up close, he was able to affirm that these beings were looking back at him. When he saw one of them blink it's eyes at him, it startled him enough so that he jumped back. At the same moment, thus particular sack tore open. With a splash and a plop, the strange little being and the fluid it had been floating in, landed on the ground at Jim's feet.
     It sat there a moment, spitting fluid out of it's mouth, and staring at his new human friend. He was a peculiar creature, vaguely humanoid in appearance. He had pink skin and was mostly hairless, save for a sparse coat of short, wiry hair on his head and torso. It had no neck and a squat head that appeared to be attached directly to its shoulders. His round face seemed to possess a permanent smile, terminating in a decidedly canine nose. It's little pink ears stuck out prominently from his small face like fleshy satellite dishes. It didn't really seem to have what we would call a forehead, but rather a mass of deeply wrinkled skin which ran from directly above his eyebrows and up to the top of his head. Overall, his pink skin appeared wrinkle-laden, almost as if it was a skin suit that was two or three sizes to big for him. He stood about a foot tall. He ran over to Jim and wrapped his arms around his leg, hugging him and nuzzling him like a puppy. Jim decided to call him Curly, after his favorite Stooge. As Jim stood up and began walking, he called to his new wrinkly friend, calling, "Come on Curly, let's go." Jim was not the slightest bit surprised nwhen his chubby hairless friend repeated his words back to him, echoing his initial greeting in a pitch perfect imitation of his own voice. Jim couldn't resist saying, "I'm a victim of soicumstance!" just to hear Curly repeat it back.
     With that out of the way, they headed down the path, with Curly following closely behind Jim. Jim enjoyed the ethereal "music" of the universe as they meandered forth with no particular place to go. They stopped initially at a me-berry tree, and after they both had eaten a portion of one, they walked on for quite some time, enjoying the highly spiritual feeling of enlightenment and oneness with the universe. It was around midday, judging by the position of Orion's belt suns, directly overhead in the purple sky, when Jim had a thought. He had been on this strange planet for about three days now and, other than the me-berries, had not eaten a thing. Instantly, he found himself sitting in a spacious restaurant booth where classic rock music played in the background. On the table was a buffet of his favorite foods. There was pizza, fish and chips, cole slaw, onion rings, steak, fries, biscuits and gravy, mushrooms, roast pork and homemadre gravy, sweet corn, sausage and peppers, egg rolls, ice cream, pies, corona with lime, several flavors of soda and ice water. As his pink friend sat across from him and watched adoringly, Jim leaned forward and devoured every bit of this enormous spread. Jim literally engulfed what was surely enough for ten people. He plowed through this orgy of meals like a starving man, which for some reason, he was most decidedly not. As he finished each type of meal, the plate containing it simply disappeared. He ate and ate until every last bit of food and drink was gone. He had experienced what could only be described as a foodgasm!
     And then, just like that, the booth was gone and Jim found himself on his hands and knees looking down at the jungle detritus. He barely had time to consider this before a volcano of vomit erupted from him. He hadn't thrown up like this since the time he'd drank most of a quart of tequila. That was the last time he drank any alcohol. It seemed like he threw up for a half hour or so. Strangely enough, he didn't feel sick at all. Then another incredible thing happened. A horde of large insects emerged from the jungle undergrowth and began devouring his puke. They were the bright yellow of a yellow jacket wasp and each was about the size of a salt shaker. As he looked into the large black eyes of one of them, he saw a spark of consciousness, or intelligence. Once again, the Google God entered his thoughts, telling him that these were called "Zanties" and that these were basically part of the clean up crew of this planet. There was no waste on this world. The all-knowing energy force of the universe informed him that there was no longer a need to eat, and no need to go to the bathroom as a result. Coming through the doorway or portal had changed his physical body, upgraded it's efficiency. His mortal shell now received all of its sustenance directly from the air, the strange, visible blue air that he was breathing. He was free to eat or drink anything he desired and had only to think of food and it would be there, strictly for the carnal pleasure of eating.
     The Google continued, telling him that "One enormous benefit of this is that you are living in a pure environment, and are not eating and drinking a whole host of chemicals, additives, preservatives and enhancers. All of your Earthly additives are actually changing your body and slowly poisoning your race. Nothing you eat is natural any more. Everything you eat or drink has chemicals in it. The chemical poisons are deactivating your third eye and cementing it shut. This is your pineal gland, between the two hemispheres of your brain, from which your universal powers of knowledge, enlightenment, and psychic powers spring forth. The powers that run your Earth are not good powers. They deny you these powers and knowledge of your abilities, to keep you under control." Jim really didn't need to be told this stuff. It merely confirmed what he already knew.
     They walked on as the three suns headed toward the opposite horizon. After a short while, they came to an intersection and he now had to make a choice - left, right, or straight ahead. The thought of Dorothy on the yellow brick road, popped into his head. As if to help him decide, a sort of flat screen video monitor popped into view. As it began flickering, Jim felt a tingling sensation in his brain. He knew it was scanning the speech center of his brain, searching for a language to display. In an instant the tingling stopped and a message in English informed him:
     "All roads lead to mystery
     All paths lead to enlightenment
     There is no wrong way."
     Jim stood there considering this for a moment. Unlike Oz, there was no talking scarecrow to help him decide.
     "Well that certainly clarifies things," he spoke out loud, "Thanks!"
     "No problem, jackass!" a voice from the sky answered, pulling a phrase straight out of his memory. This was most certainly NOT the old bearded, grey haired guy in a white robe, that he had prayed to as a young Catholic kid in Barrington, RI.
     "You got that right, tough guy!" popped into his head.
     He laughed out loud and so did Curly.
     "Where are all the people?" Jim inquired of the great Google.
     Instantly, Jim and Curly found themselves in the midst of a bustling futuristic metropolis. Tall skyscrapers surrounded them, each building floating on a cushion of air, approximately two feet off the ground. At the top of each building, regardless of size, beams of pure energy streamed into giant quartz crystals. The air was full of all manner of flying objects and people. There were crowds of people everywhere. Jim noticed a lot of them were very tall; perhaps ten feet tall. These beings had long white hair and beards. Jim knew in an instant, that these were the Annunaki, the technologically advanced "Gods" the ancient Sumerians wrote about. The same planetary visitors written about in the old testament.
     "No!" he yelled, reflexively and he was back on the path before he could blink.
     "You are existing in but one dimension of a multi-dimensional world. It is your choice where to exist. Each person has unlimited dimensions to live in or visit."
     In the end, Jim decided to do as they had done in Oz, and stay on the main path. They walked on for quite some time, and eventually, after rounding a bend in the path, they came upon a lake that looked straight out of a resort ad. The water was a beautiful azure blue. Here and there, outcroppings of rock jutted out into the pristine waters. Overhanging trees provided shade from the three bright suns. Jim and his loyal friend Curly walked onto an area of flat rock, toward the waters edge. Jim couldn't help but notice that the rock they were walking on, was full of fossils. There were marine fossils of several kinds, including brachiapods, ammonites, trilobites, and crinoids. It was a beautiful record of life gone by. He continued to the waters edge, looking down all the way. Jim knelt and crouching down, scooped some water with both hands. It actually felt amazing. Just holding it in his cupped hands, felt invigorating. It was as if the water had some sort of energy field. A familiar voice in his head told him he was feeling the life force of the water. He brought his hands to his mouth, and took a tentative sip for safety sake, before noisily slurping the rest up. Curly mimicked his friend and did the same. Jim leaned forward and put his face in the water, splashing the cool, clear water into his face and hair. He drank copiously, enjoying the feeling of replenishment the water gave him. Impulsively, he jumped to his feet, stripped his clothes off, and ran into the beautiful, clear blue water. The feel of the water was almost indescribable. He felt cool, invigorated, restored, and relaxed, all at once. From behind he heard a mournful "eeeeeeee" sound. Curly was crying, afraid he might lose his human friend.
     "It's OK boy. I'll be right back," Jim assured his young charge before taking a couple of deep breaths and diving underwater. It was then, that a most incredible transformation took place. It was almost as if his physical body dissolved away and he became part of the water. He was no longer swimming in the lake. He WAS the lake. He saw and felt all manner of living things, thriving in the water. There were a multitude of three-foot long crawfish, with truly ferocious claws, trilobites the size of dinner plates, and turtles that were bigger than his physical body. There was a large variety of colorful, even glowing fish. He marveled at all the exotic, colorful critters and plants that existed in the waters of the lake, or within him, as the case may be. Jim existed in this strange, liquid state for quite some time. He had no idea or concept of the passage of time anymore, for what was human time but a measure of Earth's rotation on its own axis, and it's orbit around a star, currently many million light years away from where he currently found himself. The only marker of the passage of time that Jim had, was the passage of the three suns of Orion's belt.
     When he decided to leave the water, it was the oddest sensation ever. It almost felt as if he was removing himself from a vat full of Jello. He knew it was the result of the atoms of his body separating themselves from those of the water they had been mingling with. He had just switched from one state of matter, a liquid, to another, solid state of matter. Up to now, this was an impossible feat for any living thing.
     After he had gotten over the strange feeling, he was pleased to discover, fresh clothing lay neatly folded on the rock at the lake's edge. His body dried in an instant and he got dressed. He decided to leave his shoes off. The path was mostly grass anyway, with little or no chance of cutting his feet. He was immediately glad he did. He could feel the energy of the planet running through his feet and through his entire body. He could feel the consciousness, the very soul of the planet. He was sure the planet itself, or herself, was communicating with him on some spiritual level, with his soul or consciousness. He felt the planet's motherly love. He loved her back. He sent the mother planet a hug with his mind. He felt embraced, both physically and mentally.
     The two humanoid friends walked on as Jim started looking for a place where they could bed down for the approaching night. Then he slapped himself upside the head. He didn't need to look. All he needed to do was think a suitable place into existence. And so he did, reaching into his memories to help. He simply thought of a place he had gone with his family as a kid, a cool little campground called Ricker Pond, in Vermont. Just like that, he and Curly were in that exact campsite. There was a sturdy lean-to to sleep in, in front of which was a stone fireplace with a roaring fire. He changed but one thing when he created this reality with his thoughts. Instead of sleeping bags and air mattresses, they would be sleeping in luxurious, plush beds with several big pillows.
     Jim created a dinner of hot dogs and beans for dinner, deciding this time to actually cook the dogs camp style, using a forked stick to roast the dogs over open flames. He merely thought all the fixings, chopped onions, relish, mustard, celery salt and rolls, into existence, along with a pot full of his moms homemade baked beans. For desert he made s'mores and root beer floats. At his first taste of the sticky, melted chocolatey treat, Curly shed his quiet, reserved persona and began doing backflips. He leaped from the ground and into a tall tree, jumping from there to another tree, squeeling in delight, before jumping down to the ground and up again. Evidently Curly found s'mores to his liking.
     When they were done with dessert and Curly had calmed down, they both lay in their beds and watched the night sky, marveling at the violet lightning-like auroral display, arcing across the busy nighttime sky. Tonight, there was a new wonder to absorb. For in addition to the nightly space freight traffic, there was something new; something huge, not in interstellar space, but down here, closer to the ground of this mysterious world. Jim found himself looking at several of what appeared to be enormous jellyfish, suspended in the air. They reminded him of Portuguese men-o'war he used to see in the ocean off Martha's Vineyard as a kid, while his parents and their friends went hunting swordfish, armed only with eight-foot harpoons and cases of Narragansett Lager. He saw clusters of these giant jellyfish, suspended in midair, at tremendous height, over a mountain valley up ahead. Their long tentacles hung down what Jim guessed to be thousands of feet, sweeping gently side to side, almost as if blown by lofty wind currents. He knew this was partially the case. He knew that, just as on Earth, with their smaller brethren, these were not giant creatures, but rather, colonies of much smaller organisms. His friendly informational Google-God psychically informed him that these were a vital part of the planetary clean-up process. These enormous sky jellies came out at night and scrubbed the air of any chemical waste given off by the respiration of living organisms, as well as digestive gasses given off by all animal and plant life. In the daytime, they descend to the surface and liquefy into a gelatinous mass, seeping into cracks and crevices of the planet, where microbes feed on the waste that the jellies scrubbed from the air. Jim's mental reasoning to himself that these were like gigantic fart scrubbers, was affirmed as correct. He discovered that these very same colonies had once been present on Earth, unseen by man, but had been overwhelmed and slowly poisoned out of existence by the unchecked pollution which started in earnest, with the industrial revolution. It is entirely likely that, had they been seen, they would have been hunted out of existence by early "civilized" mankind, who would have found a way to kill them for sport, had they known of their existence. Jim and his friend fell asleep watching both the jellyfish and the delicate purple tendrils of space lightning.
     When they awoke, with Orion's belt just above the horizon, Jim got up, walked to the picnic table and sat down to a sumptuous breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausage, toast and home fries, along with a gallon the sweetest orange juice he had ever tasted. He topped this off with endless hot coffee with a variety of flavored creamers. This time it was not a food orgy. It was just one plate, with restaurant sized portions of his favorite breakfast foods. He felt full as he sat enjoying his coffee and OJ, but that didn't last long. He knew this was a world that was void of any discomfort, however small and insignificant. He wondered aloud what the name of this planet was, if in fact it had a name.
     "It is a name that all of mankind is well aware of." the voice stated matter-of-factly, from the sky. "It is a place known as Eden."
     That explained a lot to Jim. First of all, it synced with the statements and beliefs of many aboriginal people around the world, who, when asked where they came from, would simply point to the stars, specifically to Orion's Belt.
     "So let me get this straight," Jim addressed the unseen sky god, "All of this talk for the last hundred years or so, of aliens and E.T.s, when WE are in fact the actual aliens on planet Earth?"
     "One of them," the sky voice answered.
     He sat there in silence, pondering this for a bit. For the last three or four days, he had been living, eating, and breathing in a place known to us from the bible; the place where mankind was created, and from an earlier set of writings intended as an account of world history by the first Earthlings to invent a written language - the Sumerians. When their culture invented the first writing, the first thing they wrote about, for future generations, was their origins and the strange, powerful planetary visitors with long hair and beards that both created and educated modern day man, and brought them technology.
     Jim decided that, after hearing this, it was time for a warm piece of me-berry pie, and a huge piece, covered with fresh whipped cream appeared on a table before him, along with a glass of cold milk. One thing he had noticed about these strange, vocalizing, consciousness raising berries, was that they helped to break down barriers, either self-imposed, or programmed into our very DNA, as to what was possible, and what, if anything, was not. Eating these helped him to absorb things and open his mind to knowledge that both he and his ancestors, and those before them, were told were impossible or sheer fantasy, or worse than that, the Devil's doing. It was like he had to re-learn things, and change his whole understanding of life as he knew it, or what he had been trained to believe. He knew in some way, that this must be similar to how people felt after they passed on from the physical world into the spiritual dimension, and the knowledge and enlightenment that came with it. Virtually everything he had experienced since passing through the strange portal that brought him to this world, had gone against a lifetime of learning and existence.
     Just the fact that he could think anything into existence, or think himself anywhere that he desired, were two things that needed to be absorbed and assimilated to. The me-berries helped with that. They put him in a frame of mind where strange new powers and knowledge were perfectly acceptable. They seemed to open his mind and prepare it for the acceptance of new knowledge
     Jim continued on his journey down the path of discovery as he was beginning to think of it. The sign he had encountered at the crossroads had been right. Mystery and enlightenment indeed. It seemed to him that every breath he took, every waking moment was full of wonder, discovery and learning of the highest degree.
     He and his hairless buddy walked on for quite some time. Jim remained barefoot, enjoying how he felt the pulse of the living planet coursing through his feet. The two of them enjoyed all manner of marvelous sights in their travels. They saw vast herds of brightly feathered velociraptors, looking decidedly birdlike, rather than the ferocious reptiles described by twentieth century paleontologists, and shown to us by Hollywood. They saw large groups of turtle like ankylosaurus off feeding peacefully. For decades we were told that their long bony, club-tipped tails were used to keep hungry carnivores at bay. Now Jim saw how wrong that supposition was. He saw small groups of them surrounding some sort of fruit trees. They took their bony tails and thumped the base of the trees, causing only the ripest fruit to fall. Jim marveled at this, thinking their bony tales might also come in handy in fighting among males for mating rights and superiority contests for herd leadership.
     Around midday, Jim found himself thinking of food again, not because he was hungry. He hadn't felt a bit hungry since he'd been in this world. It was purely habit. It was the middle of the day. According to his upbringing, and to both habit and tradition, he should stop what he was doing and eat. He wondered what he should dream up for lunch, when the voice of the all knowing popped into his thoughts.
     "Why eat anything when all the nutrition you need is provided by the environment and absorbed into your body with every breath?"
     "So you're telling me I can just inhale my lunch?" Jim said out loud.
     "I'm telling you that the act of eating is simply a delight of the flesh, strictly for lower forms of life."
     "Now wait!" Jim argued back, "I am a flesh and blood person, certainly not a lower form of life as you call it."
     "Negative!" boomed from the sky. "You may want to sit down for this," his friendly neighborhood sky voice told him, and as if commanded to do so, one of the vegetation chairs appeared under his butt.
     "You, and everyone you know, living or dead, are divine, conscious energy. You are, quite literally, a part of the universe; a part of me."
     Jim sat there dumbfounded. The mortal part of him, was trained to disbelieve any thought of being anything more than a mortal being. Like they taught you in church - ashes to ashes; dust to dust.
     "You do not HAVE a soul. You ARE a soul; a soul that currently has a body or mortal shell. You are a being of light; of good. You and your species have been imprisoned by the dark forces that control your planet. They've enslaved you, indoctrinated you to believe that you must work your fingers to the bone, sacrificing your time and closeness with your loved ones in order to make the money to live the lifestyle and level of enjoyment they tell you to. They've hidden the truth from you, of your origins and reality, and powers. A war has waged for hundreds of thousands of years, between the forces of darkness and those of light for the energy force of mankind. The beings that founded and continue to run your religions, are dark beings masquerading as good. You are all shipwrecked sailors, floating in a maelstrom of lies, searching desperately for a lone plank of truth to cling to. Look at the evils that have been perpetrated by religions, from Crusades, murders, rapes of young children, jihads and wars. And the evil ones have you so doped up that you all just accept it as part of life. They've trained you to forget your powers and accept your human limitations. They've trained you to surrender to fear and hate, while relying on the very people that sew the hate; the puppet masters of your planet, for protection. They gave you political parties so you can fight amongst yourselves rather than banding together and conquering and destroying the absolute evil that controls and lies to you. They eat souls for breakfast, devour young children for their life force, and thrive on wars that they themselves create."
     "Then why don't you just blow them away? Chase them away? Destroy them?" Jim demanded.
     "We have before, and we will again. We are bound by a galactic code and not allowed to destroy them, only to shoo them away like the filthy parasites that they are. They will take over another fledgling planet and we will chase them from there as well."
     "Now wait jus a damn minute. Hold on here!" Jim answered back, "We? Who is WE?"
     "There are eight others like me," the voice answered back. We are known to the more enlightened ones on your planet, by many names. The great old ones, the Gods of antiquity, the Gods of Egypt, masters of the universe. We are the council of nine. We lived among you on Earth in the Atlantean and Egyptian ages, but were driven from your planet by a global catastrophe when the planet was struck and tipped sideways. The evil ones moved in before the ground had stopped shaking, before the flood waters receded. They remain in orbit around your planet to this day. Their craft have been seen and photographed by all of the spacefaring nations of your planet. They know they are out there, but don't know their intentions. All attempts at contact have been fruitless. Recently your NASA has been monitoring repeated radio bursts from deep space, directed at these craft. These are not your so-called UFOs but are enormous space stations with millions of beings on board. The secret-keepers in your government, refer to the craft as "Dark Night". Their purpose is anything but good.
     What you need to understand is this," the great Google God informed him. " know about space, time and the Universe is a science experiment. Imagine the vast, seemingly endless expanse of space is actually finite and is encased in a giant shoe box on a universal scale. Now imagine an untold number of these boxes; all brimming with galaxies full of life, stacked one upon the other in a warehouse, this size of which, is incomprehensible to you. Remember what your Bible told you about God's house having many rooms? The thing you know as "The Big Bang" was just us, flipping a switch, making a single spark at the back of the box. Into each box we place a volatile mixture of highly flammable, violently reactive gasses, poisons, amino acids, biological DNA, heavy metals and breathable gasses. We flip a switch to introduce that initial spark, and then monitor what happens next. After a short period of our time, billions of years in your time, we empty and flush all the boxes and start over again."
     "So wait!" Jim demanded, "If you and your buddies created all of these other universes, then you must be....Exactly how big are you?"
     "We are of a size and scale that is beyond your human imagination. To give you a sense of our size, the distance from Earth to the moon, is the same distance as from the bottom of our feet to our ankles. We live in our own separate dimension of space/time. We know as well, that there are other beings, larger than us, and by the same token, there are entire worlds, vast universes, smaller than humans, on a microscopic scale, that you have yet to discover. You have been exploring in one direction with telescopes, while neglecting to direct your search efforts on an atomic scale. I don't mean creatures like dust mites. I mean people. Intelligent beings, vast civilizations on an extreme microscopic scale."
     Jim sat there in stunned silence. For once he found himself unable to think of a question or response, much less, vocalize one. It was a good thing he was sitting, as he found himself feeling as if he was about to pass out. As if reading his distress, Curly began crying, sort of a mournful "eeeeeeeeee, eeeeeee" as he nuzzled his head on Jim's arm and chest, as a dog would, trying to calm his master. "It's OK boy," he told him, "I'm OK. Don't worry."
     "I'm OK. Don't worry," Curly repeated back. He looked at his human friend, whom he considered to be his master or maybe his daddy or best friend, with adoration. It was clear that Jim was his whole world. As Jim sat there, resting his face in his hands, Curly threw his arms around him, licking him profusely as if he was licking a bowl of honey. Jim laughed and hugged him back.
     "Don't worry baby."
     "BABY!" Curly answered.
     "When the hell did you get so big?" Jim now asked of his no-longer little friend. For he had just realized that his companion, initially only a foot or so in height, now stood tall enough so that his head reached to the height of Jim's rib cage.
     After a good amount of time had passed, Jim got up and went on his way. He didn't end the conversation with his sky high informational agent. He just didn't continue it. It wasn't like he could walk away from this. The great Google was always there, walking with him, in his thoughts and in his ears, anticipating and answering his unasked questions.
     His mind was a virtual tornado of thoughts and emotions. He almost felt as if his very skull might explode from having reached an over capacity of knowledge, like an over inflated party balloon. He walked along the road as it gradually curved to the right. His racing thoughts constantly replaying all that he'd been told; marveling at his rediscovered spiritual powers and abilities. He marveled at his vastly expanded knowledge, via the perpetual Google connection to the ancient Akashic Records; the sum total of all knowledge and physical laws that had existed forever.
     And then, in the midst of all his thoughts and revelations, he noticed familiar surroundings. Once again, he found himself surrounded by the friendly "fuck you" crabs. He laughed at their faux obscene greeting, causing the crabs to laugh back at him. Up ahead, beyond the horde of crabs, he saw another familiar sight - the bridge, and the doorway that had initially brought him here so many days ago. He continued walking forward, not at all sure what he should do next; or more accurately, where he should go. For the last week or so, he had been exploring and enjoying this strange Eden where anything was possible; where his thoughts triggered answers; where any desire became reality.
     He noticed something odd about the door as he advanced closer to it. It's appearance was vastly different from what it first had been. When he first spotted the door, before stepping through to Eden, it had appeared as an opening comprised of some ethereal, inter dimensional vapor or something not entirely there. Now he found himself facing a completely solid, Army green colored metal door with a stainless steel doorknob. As he slowly advanced closer, he noticed something else; something that might be a "game changer". This side of the door had white lettering on it.


     Jim stood and stared at this with a mixture of shock and recognition. As he stood in silence contemplating the doorway and it's warning, a most extraordinary thing happened. It seemed to start with a faint whirring sound, barely audible amid the constant, pleasant background music of the universe. As the sound became more distinct, Jim and Curly looked up to see what appeared to be a giant screw descending from the sky. The two of them watched in awe as it touched down in front of them. It was not a screw, but a stunningly beautiful, ornate spiral staircase, made of gold, leading invitingly into the sky. It had a timeless appearance of something crafted in the deepest depths of time, before recorded history; before the advent of writing. Jim thought, as he stared at it, that mere human writing or speech did not contain words adequate to describe it's beauty. It gleamed like the sun and stood in mute justification to why the ancients thought of gold as teardrops of the sun. It was encrusted with all manner of powerful crystals, gems and semi-precious stones. As he considered the ominous warning on the now forboding doorway and the stunning, otherworldly stairway he hear a familiar sound. It seemed that, as he directed his attention toward the staircase, he heard the first several soft guitar notes of "Stairway to Heaven".
     He walked over to it, put his foot on the first step, and grabbed onto the heavy gold railing. He noticed something missing, and glanced over to find Curly, standing on the ground, making nervous crying, whining sounds, as if unsure how, or if, he should follow.
    "Come on Boy. It's OK," Jim said as he reached his hand out to his hairless pink-skinned friend, "Don't worry." Curly jumped onto the first step and took Jim's hand, squeezing it tightly.
     They began climbing this exquisitely beautiful staircase, Curly chattering contentedly while Jim wondered excitedly what wonders lay ahead. His entire spirit seemingly vibrating; his anticipation building with each step they took.
     They climbed on and on, getting higher and higher. Jim hadn't climbed anything this high since he had scaled a TV broadcast antenna at an abandoned broadcast station in Rehoboth as a kid. He had been nervous then, but this time he was not. He felt completely safe as he ascended even higher, into the upper reaches of the air column. In the depths of his consciousness he heard a symphony orchestra playing the Led Zeppelin song, intermingling with the delicate sounds of the universe. He felt as if he was on the verge of greatness; the final ascension from a life entrapped by flesh, to an eternity as a being of light. He actually almost felt lighter, almost as it must feel walking on the moon with its reduced gravity. It took no effort at all to lift his feet and climb to the roof of the sky. He didn't know how high he was, but he could see the curvature of the planet. Still, he wasn't scared. He felt protected and safe.
     He saw a spot of brightness up above, getting slowly bigger as they climbed. It seemed to be a beautiful bright light of the universal life force. He noticed that he no longer heard or sensed the Google God. He thought that in all probability, this bright light was Heaven, and that he was about to see, and perhaps meet or even merge with, this being or life force.
     As if to confirm this, he took a step up and his foot, and in fact, his entire body kept going and he skipped a few steps. He realized that he was weightless. He and Curly simply floated in place, almost like two astronauts on a space walk the two of them climbed ever upward with their hands now, until both were struck with horrible vertigo. They felt like they were spinning; almost like a plane in a tailspin.
     Suddenly, their world turned upside down. They were no longer weightless, but falling; no longer ascending, but descending. Curly screamed in terror, "Eeeeeee! Eeeeeeee! Aye, aye, aye aye!" before jumping into Jim's one free arm. He wrapped his arms and legs securely around Jim's torso and held on for dear life. Jim heard a tortured wailing and realized it was his own voice.
     He held onto the now black railing with all of his might as he and Curly dangled over the abyss. They were no longer going up but downward into a swirling black vortex. It seemed as though this once beautiful staircase had flipped, almost like a seesaw, and was now upside down. It seemed as if the spiral staircase was now revolving downward, bringing it's two hapless passengers, the two clinging terrified life forms, steadily closer to this ominous black maelstrom. There was still the bright light ahead, but with horror, Jim realized it was not the brightness of universal goodness, but flames. Even if he could somehow manage to climb back upward on the underside of the stairs, the staircase itself continued it's movement downward. It now looked as if he was descending down into the fiery maw of an active volcanic caldera. He began to feel the intense heat on his skin as the two frightened beings screamed their lungs out. Then, as if he'd been hit on the head with a fifty-five gallon drum of V-8, realization hit him and He and Curly found themselves tumbling into the soft green vegetation of the jungle floor. In their moment of horror, the realization had come to Jim that he only had to believe in himself, in his own powers and abilities. He had only to think of the  two of them being elsewhere, somewhere safe, and they were instantly there. There was no longer a staircase; only a foreboding doorway with its ominous message in white lettering.
     Then an angry voice boomed from the sky, louder than thunder. "What in MY name is wrong with you? Here you are in this wonderful place; this beautiful Eden, where you can have anything you desire, and you you want more? Shame on you! Shame! You want Heaven? Is that what you want? What do you seek? Are you searching for that wonderful place they told you about in your church? That wonderful place of rolling fields of flowers and soft green grass, where all of your dead relatives and pets frolic in the sun? Maybe you'd like a pitcher of kool-aid too! This was a TEST! A ME damned test and you failed! You did not hear my voice because I left you to decide on your own, which path you should follow. There is no such PLACE as Heaven! It is not a place, but a state of mind. It is within you, always within your grasp; always attainable. Your so-called religous 'leaders' have told you it is a wonderful place only remotely attainable after a lifetime of work and unknown, unrewarded  service to them and their goals. So let this be a lesson to you! Learn and grow from this!"
     Jim looked toward Curly at this admonishment, much as a young boy might look toward a sibling for sympathy or moral support after being scolded by their Dad. Curly slapped him across the face and ran off into the woods.
     "No! No! NOOOO!" Jim yelled out to him as he disappeared in the dense vegetation. He fell to his knees and cried. He didn't even know what this strange creature was called. He didn't even know if it was plant or animal. It had grown on a tree, hatched from what appeared to be an amniotic sack, yet appeared to be a flesh and blood, air breathing, thinking, speaking primate. Whatever he was; He was Jim's friend and companion; his little buddy. He was Curly. He wasn't human but what he was, was another living being; another soul to explore this strange place with. He was someone, or something to share in each mind-blowing discovery.
     Despite what it said on the doorway, he knew his home was on the other side of that door. He knew his species had a lot to learn; a lot to overcome and change, from its hateful, warlike ways to its disastrous stewardship of its home planet. He knew this process was ongoing and would take some time. But he also knew he was on the cusp of something great right now; right at this minute. He could not go through that door; Not yet. He had too much more to learn here. This place; this Eden, was too wonderful; too rewarding to leave. He remembered Crosby, Stills, and Nash singing long ago about how "We've got to get back to the Garden." Well, here he was, actually IN the garden. He was once again in the land where mankind began. There was no way he could leave such peace and beauty; such transcendental harmony? He turned away and continued on walking, into the land where anything was possible.
     This time he went off the path, and straight into the wilderness.

     To be continued...

Curly - loving friend and companion

© Copyright 12/30/16 by Stephen R. Bonniol